Spiteful x wishes

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Killua's POV:

I have to tell him. I have to. .... right?

"Yeah? What's up Killu..?" He asked softly, petting my cheek with the back of his right palm. I choke on nothing, words unable to surface, "I... I... G-gon... I..." I whimpered, eyes darting between both of Gon's. He sighs and places a kiss on my nose, "If your body won't let you speak, we can just wait until it can, okay? Bring patient. Talk to me when your mentally and physically ready." He smiled warmly at me and my chest tightened as he lead me into the bathroom stall and we sat down against the cold tile wall, his left hand resting on my knee with a doting smile on his face. "... Yeah... can we just hang out for a while..?" I ask quietly and he nods, I lay my head on his shoulder and he uses his right hand to play with my hair. It feels nice, honestly. Tickles slightly as well, but I feel way more safe and relaxed then before.

I yawn to myself and shuffle to the side a bit and lay my head on his thighs, head facing the nearby stall. He giggled and stroked my hair, "Awe.. like a little kitty." He commented, and I lifted my head up to glare at him. He only smiles and bumps our foreheads together, "You feel ready to go back out? Food might be served!" He hummed and I nodded. I sat up and we walked out of the stall. A man stared at us with a pure confusion and slight disgust.

"What the fuck were you children doing in there..?" The man asked with a coarse voice, obviously in his 60's with the amount of gray in his hair. Man, as people grow up they try to copy my hair color. Damn. "We were cuddling!" Gon smiled, obviously unaware the man was being malicious. "Cuddling? Two boys cuddling in a bathroom stall? What are you- homosexuals-??" He scoffed, wetting his hands with the water from the sink and I bit my lip nervously, "... No, we are just friends.." I say quietly and Gon chimes in, "Best friends! And if we were lovers still you have no right to shame us for it! Good day sir!" He said as he grabbed my hand and ran off out of the bathroom. I eeped and looked at him, blushing, "Gon! Are you out of your mind??" He just smiled, "For you I am." I just stood there confused, what- what is Leorio teaching this poor boy.

Alluka shouted at us from the table, "Lovebirds! Come here!! SUSHI IS READY!" She called and Gon perked up, "Oooh! Come on Killua!" He said with a smile, practically dragging me over to the table. We sat back down and beautifully severed and presented rolls of sushi were set on the table upon porcelain plates that had ink prints of bamboo on it. Alluka and Gon both basically were salivating at the array, and I smiled. "Go ahead! Dig in" I say, snagging most of the baked Japanese Lasagna before Gon could eat it all. He whined, "Hey!!" I just smiled, "You're too slow!" I cooed, using the chopsticks to slide a slice into my mouth and chew it. If flavors were colors I'd be tasting a rainbow. The spicy salmon and crab tasted so refreshing, and the baked outside tasted so crisp and yet tender.

"Ahhh~ delightful!" I hummed, eating another piece of that heaven. As I was going to reach for some of the other sushi, I saw Alluka and Gon already ate it all. I whined, "What? Awh guys! I'm hungry!" Gon smiled and put half of his last piece on my plate, "Here!" He beamed, and I slightly blushed. "Oh, thanks" I reply quietly and eat the half he gave me. I glanced up and he was resting his head on his hands and just admiring me with a big goofy smile. I lowered my eyebrows and sat up straight, "What?" I asked self-consciously. He just hummed, "Killua is so pretty!" I squeaked and threw a crumpled up napkin at him, "S-shut up! I'm not pretty!! Dumbass.." I huff, looking at the sunset behind him. It's getting pretty late. Alluka smiled, "How about when we go home we watch a movie!" She chirped, and apparently Nanika already ate her sushi because the strawberry sushi was gone. I sighed, my stomach is still hungry but it doesn't matter. "Ok." I replied, then the waitress came by with the check, "Here you go!" She hummed and I wrote a check for the amount due and she smiled and walked off.

We all got up and began to walk to the apartment, the city now slightly glowing in the dusk of the day. Gon was on my right as Alluka was on my left. She was cuddled up on my arm and I chuckled, "So- anyone wanna play a I spy game as we walk?" I offer, and Gon smiled, "Yeah!" I looked around as we waited for the light to turn red. "I spy with my little eye.. oh, something shaped like a cat!" I hum and Gon poked my cheek, "That IS a cat!" He whined as a orange tabby cat carefully tipped toed across the lightpost. "Awh maybe! But its cat shaped, is it not?" I say matter of a factly. He chuckles and soon enough we make our way to the apartment. I eye the flight of stairs, that's... always too many stairs. And it's worse enough I fell down all of them. Alluka hold my arm and I glanced at her, she gives me a assuring smile. Gon begins to walk up, "Come on!" He calls and Alluka helps me up the stairs even though I could theoretically do it myself.

As Gon opens the door, Violet runs to him and hugs him, giving him a kiss on the lips, "Ah! Your home! I missed you!" She cooed and he nodded with a smile. But as he shuffles out of the way and my sister and I walk in, her whole demeanor changed to judging. "... great." She scoffed and dragged Gon to the couch. They talked a bit and I watched from the doorway. My chest grew heavier and I frowned, alluka rubbed my arm, "Give them time" she smiles and I can only nod.

I wish she would just stop stealing him.

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