Promises x and x comfort

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Gon's POV:

I do need to talk to Violet about the whole accusing Killua thing. Did she feel threatened? He's my best friend is all, I'm not in love with him or anything. "So-... anything you want to come clean about..?" I bait, and she smiles and puts her right hand on my lower thigh, "Well maybe a discussion on why you haven't let me do anything? We've been dating for years, I might add. Don't you think you should let us by now..?" She whispered near my ear and I shivered, "Well, Vivi- uh... I'm kinda still a minor..? Let's wait until I'm 18! It's not that long." She frowned disappointed, "But that's four months! Why would I want to wait for that? And..." she slid her hand higher on my thigh. "... Don't you want to try it too?" I slowly inched my thigh away from her uncomfortable reach and smile nervously, "Ah... well... not now, atleast. Killua needs me!" I said and she sighed heavily in irritation, but kept her composure, "Oh, Killua this, Killua that! Might as well fucking date him! What do you need ME for-? It's all about him! I see how you two cuddle! You touch him more than me! You're so fucking inconsiderate! Do you think its easy for me to wait two years to ask you-? If you're a good boyfriend, then you'll atleast try. If not, then maybe we need time apart." She frowned in a scornful way and my chest tightened nervously. My face felt warm and I didn't know what to say.

I don't want to hurt her feelings! And... and plus I love her... I'm... I'm sorry aunt Mito, I know you're against this but... I don't want to loose anyone else I love. I shuffled uncomfortably and nodded with a hesitation, "Uh... y-yeah... s.. sure.." I muttered out, my throat closing in, this feels so wrong. Killua walks up from behind us and rests his arms on my head as he hangs there, "What are you guys talking about?" He hummed and I smiled, "K-Killua! Hi!" I brightened, and Violet glared at the boy. Killua glared at her back and stared at her hand which was still on my thigh. He then smiled and looked down at me, "Anyways, wanna play animal crossing-? I got a new villager!" He hummed and I smiled more genuinely, He's helping me! "Yeah! I'd love to!" I said bubbly and got out of under Violet's hand and got up. He chuckled and wrapped his arm around me as we began to walk to the bedroom. I could feel Killua peek behind us and death glare Violet, but still. Thank you, Killua.

Killua's POV:

That fucking hag! Does she think I don't NOTICE her trying to seduce Gon?? HE'S A FUCKING MINOR- I scowl to myself as we walk to the bedroom and closed the door. He plopped onto the bed reaching for my switch. I layed next to him and rested my head against his shoulder. I watched him turn it on and we hang out for a while with me just watching him. I felt so comfortable like this. I paused, "... Hey Gon?" I ask, and he hums in response. "Do you actually want to do it with her?" I ask. I don't even know if he wanted to. He paused and looked at me, "... Eventually, I guess. I just never saw her in that way. I love her purely, and want to keep her safe and stuff, but well.. I guess she feels different, huh?" He muttered quietly and I paused.

... he said he loved her again. I know, I know he does- but everything he says it, it hurts. "Do you feel that way about your crush?" He says suddenly and I got caught off guard, "W-which way?" I say with a slight stutter and he thinks, "Well, do you love him purely or-..?" I squeaked at the even mere mention of the possibility of anything else and shook my head viciously, "N-not the second way! That would be... I dunno... kinda weird.. I've known him long, and it would be... wrong to think of him like that."

Gon's POV:

Someone he knew for a long time? Who-... God, I'm trying to figure it out- wait is it Ikalgo-?? Ugh who is it! Not the time to think of this, he's talking to me. "Could you tell me who it is? Please?" Fuck- why did I ask! My mind went on autopilot! He flushed slightly and looked away with a huff, "I said don't pester me about it!! ... but it's someone I spend a lot of time with" he admits and I am now even more confused, who else does he hang out with??

This makes my head hurt- "Killuaaaaa telll meeeee!" I whine, lightly shaking him and he pushes my face away, "I TOLD YOU ALL I'M TELLING YOU- IDIOT!" He hissed and I whined at that, but accepted it. "... will you leave me for him..?" I ask, that's the real concern I have that's digging holes through my chest. He pauses and his demeanor softened as he frowned, "... Gon... no, I'd never leave you.." he said softly as he pulled me into a hug. ".... you might die..." I say quietly and he holds me tighter, "... That's fine. You have Violet. You don't need me." He said softly and I got upset and pushed him away, eyes tearing up as my jaw clenched, "No! I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT YOU! WHY ELSE WOULD I KEEP YOU WITH ME FOR THIS LONG??" I choke out and he froze speechless.

"O-oh- uh.." I choked back with a nervous chuckle, "... Sorry... it sounds kinda selfish now, huh..?" I muttered quietly, feeling ashamed. He hesitantly put a hand on my left cheek and offered me a smile, "Hey... it's not selfish, ok? I can't live without you either, Gon... You're the reason I lived this long, you're the reason I'm not an assassin anymore, you're the reason I was able to save my sister... Gon, you're the reason I can even smile." I admit and his eyes seemed to shine for a second, the water in his eyes reflecting the nearby light and his lips trembled as tears came down his cheeks, "K-killua..." I whimpered and he sobbed, clutching me close and quietly wailing into my shoulder, "I-i-m not ready to l-loose you.." I hiccup and he rubs my back solemnly.

"... Remember what we said? Even if I die, I'll meet you in the next world and we will have fun in that world until it all happens again, I'll always find you... Death isn't the end, hm?" I say, pushing him away gently and using my thumbs to rub away his tears from his moistened cheeks. He choked down a sob and smiled softly, "... K-killua..." he giggled glumly, and I leaned in and kissed his forehead.

"Nothing can keep me from you."

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