Intimidation x and x proclamation

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".. What-? A-are you sure-??" I asked Huifen with a nervous but excited voice, leaning in towards him with stars in my eyes and my hands on the wooden counter to stable myself.

"Yes, of course. I can tell that you had great potential before you lost your nen" he stated and I calmed down a bit and smiled brightly but leaned back and stood.

"So how can I get my nen back??" I asked excitedly and he hummed, "A simular way to forcing the nen nodes in your body to wake up, but I'm getting way to old to do the process so we'd need to... check something with someone first." he paused and I looked at a ticking clock on the wall and I swallowed thickly, "... Come on. I have less than 12 hours to save my best friend. Please. I'll do anything. Please" I near beg, looking at the old man with pleading eyes.


Killua's POV:

I'm barley able to get my eyes open, they felt like dozens of tons and my whole body felt weak and frail, and heavy. My vision blurred but I was able to see my sister in her bed, with the blanket on her.

"Allu.... ka..?" I rasped out and tried to lift my head but was unable to, and she shuffled a bit at my voice and sat up quickly even though it looked like it pained her greatly.

"B-big brother..-?"

???'s POV:

Finally. The plan is in motion. He is alone, besides being with some kid and someone else. Now I can finally get revenge on his father for what he's done to me.

I'll make sure the last thing he sees is my black gloves gripping his chin as his blood drains from his body- but first- time to do my murder spree shopping! Got to look deadly in the looks department!

Gon's POV:

"Yes, anything! ... I can't live without Killua" I said the last part softly and the man only hummed, "How about you lend us yourself for a mission after we unblock your nen?" He asked and I nodded quickly, "Yes! Yes I will! I promise!" I said eagerly and the man chuckled and Lief got up and whined, "But your training me! You're busy!" He complained and Huifen only smiled, "It's only one boy, Lief. I want to personally see if I can get back his potential"

"... Whatever.. I'm quitting then!" he scoffed and tried to walk off before Huifen opened his eyes and glared daggers into Lief, causing him to freeze in fear.

"You will help this boy, Lief. It's only fair, he's going to help us in return"

After a moment, Huifen closed his eyes and hummed as Lief shivered and looked back at me, "... Fine. I'll help you. Since my.. mentor says so" he says quietly and I just nodded. That was weird. A small bong sounds and Huifen perked up, "Oh ho ho! Lunch time!" He smiled and got off his little seat and I realized his seat was tall because...

... Huifen was 4'9 feet tall. He hummed a old tune and opened the small wooden gate to get out from behind the counter and Lief sighed, "Ok.... I guess he is going to get his Prime steak from the local slaughterhouse" he stated plainly and my eyes lit up, "Prime steak? Does he always eat that for lunch?" "Believe it or not, yes. Yes he does" he sighed and I nodded. I glanced at the clock again and whined to myself, catching up with Huifen urgently, "Sir, er-.. could we do the nen thing quickly? My friend-" "your friend can wait for lunch" he hummed nonchalantly and I paused.

"But sir!-" "but what?" He asked and turned around, opening his eyes at me.

I was frozen. I literally can't move. Even with nen I don't think I'd be able to move either-...

A constant dread fills me, makes my skin sweat, makes my fingers quake, makes my lungs stop working. My muscles feel on fire an freezing at the same time and my eyes won't leave his.

He looks away, "Nothing? Good" he hummed as he left with a jolly look present on his face and I slowly gained back control of my body. Lief sighed and placed his hand on my shoulder but nothing happened, oh now he's wearing leather gloves.

"... It's my master's nen ability. Dreadful gaze. He only needs to look at someone in the eyes, if they can see, and they, no matter how powerful, become paralyzed. There is a weakness to-" "Hey Lief, could you please show Gon around?" Huifen shouted gleefully from I don't know where and Lief shut up and nodded, walking to the tables with knick-knacks and I followed him cautiously.

I have a bad feeling about the old man...

Alluka's POV:

My gut stung painfully but I took a deep breath and crawled to the edge of the medical bed and smiled weakly at my brother, "Big brother.. hi" I said softly and he made a barley audible noise, closing his eyes. I caressed his cheek and he felt ice cold. ... Gon better hurry up. I don't care if i die but I want big brother to live.

If Gon isn't fast enough... I'll ask Nanika if she could remove big brother's ailment. Nanika loves big brother too so it should be fine... right? Right. Nanika is weak too though... we are weak... it all hurts.

"... big b-brother..." I pled quietly, "You'll be fine... no matter.. what"

Gon's POV:

"You can't... do anything?" I asked quietly and looked at Lief.

He sighed, "Do I look like I would stand a chance against my grandfather? He is a double star Hunter" he muttered tiredly and my eyes lit up again, "Wait- the old man is a two star hunter?" I asked curiously and Lief nodded.

Could he... stop Violet?

Maybe I don't have to kill her.

Maybe he can.

I couldn't stop a small smirk to form on my lips.

"Don't smile creepily at the stone Rabbit. It might smile back" Lief commented and I snapped out of it and chuckled awkwardly, "oh sorry-"

"So.... like, if you see a man with dark purple hair and a stupid 80's themed outfit, ignore him" he said simply and I raised an eyebrow, "why?"

"He took my parents and is after me next"

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