Confrontation x and x tribulation

403 22 17

Gon's POV:

I was left to rest on the cold stiff leather couch as Leif sat by my side with a glass of ice cold water incase i would ask for some. My ears still rung dullingly, making it impossible for me to truely rest.

I whimper and shakily sit up to the best of my ability, with Lief helping me. I growl lowly at him touching me and he sighed, "Look... I didn't know my gramps would do that. He... He has some big plans for you" he chuckled softly, looking at the floor.

I look from him to the water and he perked, "Oh- haha sorry, here" he handed me the water and i took a good long drink, almost choking on all the water. "H-hey drink slowly!" he warned, his warm palm on my shoulder. I set the glass down.

"... Im going to go save Killua. I don't have the time for this" I blankly stated, cold pissed eyes drill holes into the boys forehead.

"Well i-.... I.. I know." Lief mumbled, "... And I shall help you!" he proclaimed, but squeaked when he realized he was above a whisper. He cleared his throat and looked away, "I don't want to share gramps with you anyways" he brushed his excitement to the side, with a sigh, "... Oh im probably digging my grave.." he whimpered and sulkened.

I watch him, surprised he actually was going to help. I was cautious, but it's not like I have time to spare. "Let's go then" I get up shakily and Lief helps me up. With baited breath, he looked around. "No old man anywhere" he whispered softy, taking me near the front door.

"Where are you boys going?" Huifen's now darkened voice rang from behind us.

Lief squeaked, I could tell his body tensed up at his old man speak.
"... G-going to clean the windows" was all he could offer which made me groan, really??

"... Alright then."

... Wait did he actually fall for it?

.. damn.

We heard his light yet foreboding footsteps echo away.
"... Oh my god, he left" his body almost gave out from the relief. "Really? Cleaning the windows?" I question him and he shrugs, "Dude I mean it worked, didn't it?" he countered and I couldn't help but nod. I mean yeah i guess.

He sighed and unlocked the door with a click, only so much as a millisecond passed before we could feel the warm breath and bloodlust of the old man right behind us.

"You think you can disobey me?"

Both of our bodies seemed paralyzed even though we couldn't see his eyes, but at the very last second, Lief pushed me threw the door.


I looked back behind me as quick as my reflexes would let me, and even then, threw the smallest crack of the slamming door, I could see a hand blurr over who i assumed to be Lief's face, and as soon as it happened, the door was shut and the windows tinted themselves glossy white.

I widen my eyes and bang on the door, trying to open it. My heartbeat was still on a tangent, which made me have to lean against the door to catch my breath as my vision doubled amd crossed, as I close my eyes.

Breath in, breath out.

I open my eyes as my body calms. I take steps back to look at the antique shop. I look down at my hands, then i saw I was able to see the nen flowing from my body.

As I look up, I used Gyo to see that the whole shop was absolutely engulfed in a vicious, fire like nen.

I had to look away, at a clock.

I have to kill Violet

Killua's POV:

I squirm, "... D-don't manhandle me!" I squeak out, shoving him away but his grip was too tight.

"Oh, my apologies, I thought you were going to try and run off with excitement~!" he cooed, setting me down and petting my head with demeaning little pats.

I grumble and fluff my hair up, "Whatever, lets just go" I stare at him, a darkened expression. "I just want to know what you intend by trying to win me over. What do you even want to do?" I interrogate him but he just smirked and effortlessly plopped in a chair, careless and carefree as ever. I rolled my eyes then he began to speak

"Well you see, mouse, I have a certain... Vendetta against a certain someone. Anddd...-" he giggles, swaying his long dangling feet off the chair into the air, "- It seems that for me to get what I want, I need to help you or whatever~" he arched his back into a stretch before sitting normally in the chair, well as normal as Jasper possibly could.

"What does what I want possibly have to do with you, creepo?" I scoff, unamused. He obviously was somehow amused though, as he looked me up and down in a deranged giggle.

"Silly silly mouse, why should I tell you?" he hummed, and I this was getting annoying, "SPIT IT OUT YOU DUMB KNUCKLEHEAD-" I yell at him, and his stature seemed to change.

He dropped his smile, dulled down his eyes, looking at me stone cold. I didnt expect this, my body chilled and I took a step back.

"... Like I said. There is something I need and I can only get from helping you. I need a certain power, and for events to all fall into place like I've planned." he proclaimed blankly, getting up, no longer slouching, damn he is tall.

"- For you see, Killua Zoldyck, I have someone I want to save too."

He leaned in and down close to my face, reminding me of my oldest brother in the worst way possible.

"... O-... O-okay" I mutter, and at that, all the joy and carefree posture all of a sudden came back to Jasper, as he spun around in place.

"Oh wonderful, so wonderful!" he cooed, now looking down at me again, extending his long wirely hand, his smirk back.

But now... He seems.. Entirely different, somehow.

I take his hand in mine, and his firm grip held me there, as he bent down by my ear and whispered.

"I know where Gon is"

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