Longing x for x forever

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Killua's POV:

.. Is it bad I love him even more now? He came back for me. For a worthless boy like me. Time and time again, always coming back to me. He shouldn't yet he does. I gently pull him to actually lay down on the bed and we cuddle up, with his face nuzzled deep within my chest doe comfort. I wrapped my arms protectively around him, and one fo my hands very gently play with his hair. His pretty, black hair.

I wish we cuddled more often. It's not really what friends do but I find so much comfort in it. His warmth makes me feel happy. I feel safe with him, cuddled close. Like it's us against the world, like it's a dream and we are safe and sound as long as we don't leave the bed. I hesitantly kiss his forehead and he shifted his face up from my chest to look at me with a soft smile, "What's up Killu?" He asked and I just blushed slightly and looked at the wall, "You- er- just looked cute-.." I muttered out and he giggled, "You think I'm cute?" I squeaked and push his face away with my hand, "N-no-! I said the wrong thing!!" I hissed as he just giggled.

Why must he be embarassing! Ugh! I huff and hug him close, tenderly nuzzling into his head of hair. I want to kiss him so bad. I want to finally tell him how I feel, how I have felt since we were younger. I want to marry him eventually, have a wedding, a honeymoon. A home to rest in with Gon having his own garden and Alluka would love it too. And after the three of us travel around the world for a year or two, Gon and I could adopt a couple kids and start a family. Maybe even some pets. I smiled at that, I wish it would happen. Gon would be the cutest male wife. Sure he can't clean but he can cook delicious food, which is all I need in a husband. I giggle to myself but then remember that would never happen. He would marry Violet probably. And they'd have their own kids. That dulled my mood and I quietly just held Gon tightly in my arms.

".. Hey Gon? Are.. are you going to marry her?" I ask quietly and he smiled, "Yeah! I mean, eventually- I want to do lots of exploring with the four of us around the world- even though she would want to settle down earlier maybe." He said softly, and I frowned. My lungs itched and nervously I changed the subject, "S-so, er.. what kind of house do you want?" I ask, and he smiled in thought. "You know, I never thought of that. I was thinking I'd just stay at Aunt Mito's and renovate a bit! That was always the plan, to go back home." He said and I smiled. That's adorable, he wants to be with his aunt and grandma. I wish my family was like that, but even if my parents were begging me to take the mansion, I'd never in my whole life do so. That place is filled with.. terrible memories. Oh God, terrible memories-... I shake my head to get out if that mindset and shift down to hide my face in his neck quietly still snuggling him. He giggled, "Awe look- Killua the cuddle bug!", he teased playfully and I huffed, "Shut up! I'll be Killua the far away if you keep this up!" I responded.

"Awe but Killua is so fun to tease! He gets all blushy and cute!" He continued and I pushed him away, "Alright- you lost cuddle privileges!" I exclaimed and he whined, I had to literally keep him away with my foot to his chest as his hands grabbed for me, "Killluuuaaaa I want huuugggssss-" he complained and I sighed, "Nope! You are too clingy and embarassing!" I retort and he sighed, "But I want to have an excuse to sleep-" before he could finish, I inturpted him, "Then sleep at the bottom of a lake!! Or here for all I care!" I huffed and he smiled, "Killua wants to drown me? I approve" he said with a thumbs up and I huffed more and kicked him off the bed literally. "Idiot" I respond as I sit up. He just giggled and got back on the bed, "I'm playing!" He hummed as he sit next to me and leaned in close to the side of my face. I tensed up, "You're too close. Go away" I tell him and he sticks his finger in my face between my eyes without touching me, "I'm not touching you~" he teased and I growled, "Hey- quit it-!" I said as I move my head away. He just giggled more and layed his head on my lap. I sighed and let him, playing with his hair.

"You're a idiot" I say quietly and he giggles, "I know i am." I smile at that, "Yeah. You are." He then looked up at me, "Cuddles?" He asked and I chuckled, "Ok fine-" I said as he happily sat up and hugged on me. "So you really think I'm cute?" He reminds me and I sigh, "Do you want to be kicked off again?" "Maybe" "What, do you have a foot kink you weird little-" "Ewwww no! Killua! That's weird!" "You're also weird so I assumed you partake in equally weird stuff." "Your face is weird!" "Nice comeback" "your face is a nice comeback..." "Never heard that before" "I never heard of your face before!" "You're bad at this aren't you-" ".. maybe" we giggle and just enjoy the warmth.

But then suddenly the door bursts open and Violet comes in with a pissed off face, and Alluka is followed behind her. Alluka quickly goes in front of her, "V-violet- calm down!" She asked and Violet just scoffed, "You told me that he cheated on me- AND YOU ASSUME I CAN JUST LET THIS GO?" she raised her voice and Alluka frowned, "You were fine a minute ago!" "Well a minute ago I was in denial!" The two of them argued as I noticed Gon tensed up a bit. I decided to break the ice, "Er-.. whats going on?" I ask. Violet scowls, "A break-up. Obviously!"

Gon froze entirely, "... a.. b-break up..?"

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