Monsters x and x surprises

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Well uh

That was sudden

"80's outfit?" I questioned and Lief sighed heavily and shrugged, "Look man i have no control on the dude's clothes"

I nodded at that and decided not to completely judge someone on their style of clothing and instead peaked my interest, "What is so dangerous about the man?"

"Well for starters he is a literal serial killer who tortures his victims for his own pleasure and skins their bodies to make furniture and leather based objects" Lief shivered and I tilted my head, "And how do you know all that?"

"Because he sold his wares for people to buy and when one of his leather wallets had been in a murder and had blood on it due to the murder, when the police tested it they found out that the leather itself was a positive match to a murder victim and the tracking down of other pieces of his work lead to more positive results for people who were murdered-" and before Lief could even finish whatever he was blabbing about, the door opened and the old man walked in.

"-I got lunch!" Huifen hummed as he had a paper bag in his grasp and walked off to the room behind the counter and Lief sighed, "Whatever. Long story short, the bitch took my parents and wants me next. No idea why" he said as he walked off and i was stuck with more questions than answers as I sighed and followed Lief.

We all three sat down at the half storage room half rest room for the store and Huifen unpacked his lunch as we all sat on wooden stools that I was sure could collapse at any point of time. I tapped my foot on the wooden floor anxiously, a pit forming in my stomach, "... Huifen. Lief. I can't stress how LITTLE TIME I have for laying around! I have a time limit and you can't just make me wait this whole time!" I stood up for myself and Huifen paused from enjoying the cooked meat.

"... are you rushing me?" He asked and I sighed, "YES- THAT'S THE POINT- LOOK I'LL DO ANYTHING I JUST NEED TO HAVE ENOUGH TIME- I HAVE LESS THAN 11 HOURS- that's.. not enough. Who knows where Violet is" I calmed down but my body tensed with stress and the room was stuck in a awkward silence.

".. sorry for that outburst" I apologized and looked away and Huifen only hummed, "If you're that intent on saving your friend with such resolve, then maybe you will be a more useful asset to us then I thought. Come with me" the old man stated and got off the tall stool and began to walk to a rug and Lief just silently stayed behind, not even as much as looking at me.

I followed the old man who pulled back the rug and there was a trapdoor. I was curious as he grabbed the metal handle and the nen spell on the door unlocked it and he easily swung open the wooden trapdoor with a loud wooden groan, and a ladder going down into pitch darkness was revealed and I took a breath as I got on the ladder and began to climb down the rickety unsafe wooden structure. Huifen hummed as he as well began to climb down and... well I'm not looking up.

I gulp as I focus on looking down at the vast and ominous darkness the ladder was seemingly feeding us endlessly into, and soon there was no more light to illuminate anything so we climbed down in complete darkness, I heard the distant closing of the trapdoor and gulped as we continued to decend down into the darkness.

Suddenly a step snapped and I yelped as I lost grip of the wooden frame and fell into the darkness, but to my surprise I landed on my ass pretty quickly, turns out I was literally 4 feet off the ground. Huifen chuckles at that and hops off the ladder and turned on lightswitch as I groaned and rubbed my back but widened my eyes in awe of the now completely lit place. But

Alluka's POV:

.. it's been a few hours. Maybe 6? 7? 8?

I can't even tell. My body gave out around a hour ago and I labored my breaths.

I need to do it

Please Nanika.. help big brother

Lief's POV:

Gon and master Huifen had been down there for a while and I felt anxious about it all.

Will it happen like last time?

Or is Gon strong enough?

But to my surprise, I heard the wail of the trapdoor open and... master walks out. I had a million questions so I swarm him, "What happened? Is he ok?" I asked and he just chuckled.

"Aparently you were right about this boy, Lief. Good job." He said, obviously avoiding the direct question like he always does but my eyes lit up, it was a success?

It hasn't worked in.. in...

I have no idea how long.

But it did now!

"S-so-?" I asked quickly.

"Yes you may see him. It's complete"

I got up excited and ran down to the trap door and went down, halfway down I just jumped since I was used to the fall and landed nimbly on my feet, turning on the light and the noise of my feet excitedly puttering across the wood floor were the only things audible.

Except for a distant hum.

???'s POV:

... oh. Oh that idiot~

They fell right into my trap.

Now the boy is fixed and ready for me to find him~

.... that was easier than I thought.

Killua's POV:

I woke up, my head pounding a bit.


Why doesn't it hurt anymore?

Am I dead?

I flex my fingers and take in a deep breath, parting and moving my lips.

No... not dead. Yet, atleast.

That's progress, right?

I opened my eyes and took a shorter hitched breath as I sat up, my eyes adjusting to the light.

My eyes widened. Who..

Who the hell is wearing some kind of fucking 80's outfit and why are they in my hospital room?

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