The Motor Inn

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The three survivors made their way quietly through downtown Macon. After repeatedly telling the adults to shut up Y/N ended up losing his cool, whisper-shouting:

"I got better things to do today then die. Shut the fuck up both of you!"

Lee and Carley were surprised at Y/N's directness but they both nodded in agreement as he took the lead. It was a slow process- the streets were semi filled with walkers but they were fortunately easily distracted. Every time one was too close a rock, can or other piece of debris thrown across the street easily drew their attention.

After an hour they made it to Peachtree unscathed before following the road down and arriving at a motor inn- the Travelier motel- right on the edge of Macon. Across the road there was acres of woodland and Y/N smirked to himself.

Could be a good source of food.

He stopped suddenly and held up his hand, signalling to the others to stop and wait.

"Shit get down" Lee said quickly, he and Carley hiding behind a low wall at the edge of the motel. A walker had seen the trio and growled as it stumbled towards them. Y/N stood there, sending an annoyed look in Lee's direction before firing an arrow straight into the walker's head, killing it instantly.

"Seriously man, crossbow" Y/N chuckled as the two adults stood embarrassed.

As Y/N retrieved his arrow and reloaded it he counted five more walkers- three on the ground floor and two pounding on a door upstairs. He heard a creak and turned as the walkers hadn't noticed his presence.

There was a large ice box near the road, it's lid was flipping up slightly before landing back down.

"Did you see that?" Carley asked.

"Sure did. Be ready to shoot" Lee nodded to her.

Y/N scowled and motioned to Carley to lower her gun.

What part of fucking be quiet don't these idiots get?

Y/N walked over quietly, crossbow armed, and motioned to Lee to lift the lid in three



Y/N approached and pointed his weapon at Glenn's happy and relieved face.

"Guys am I glad to see you" he said in relief as Y/N chuckled.

"Well hello Mr Chinaman".

Glenn stood and quietly got out of the ice box before turning to Y/N.

"I'm Korean dude".

He noticed Y/N's face turn genuinely puzzled as his eyebrows furrowed.

"There's a difference?"

Usually Glenn would have been offended by this but the kid seemed genuine in his surprise.

"Uh yeah dude. China and Korea are two different countries".

Y/N's eyebrows raised in surprise.

"Huh...well everyday's a school day. Sorry about that".

Glenn was about to answer before Carley whisper shouted:

"It's fantastic we are giving Y/N cultural sensitivity training but can we please get the fuck out of here?"

"Not yet" Glenn answered. "There's survivors trapped up there"

Glenn motioned to the upstairs room being pounded on by two walkers.

"No way. We gotta go. NOW" Carley answered.

The Walking Dead Season 1Where stories live. Discover now