Fateful Decisions

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Y/N stopped dead upon entering the front door.Brenda's walkified corpse stumbled towards him, growling loudly and arm's outstretched. He smirked as he backed up on the porch and down the stairs.

Brenda growled and reached out for him before tumbling and landing hard on the gravel path.

Y/N chuckled to himself as he thought aloud "I wonder". He stood on her upper back as he pulled his knife and thrust it into the back of her neck. The pressure from her body stopped as it went limp, her head still snapping at him as he chuckled.

"Well fuck me" Y/N chuckled again- take out the spine and you took out the body, even on a walker. He stood as she laid, trapped by her own paralysis and growling into the dirt as he re-entered the house.

Mark was still stuck at the top of the stairs, snapping and growling with his head and arms through the bannisters as Y/N walked up the staircase, careful to avoid him, and stood over his legless body.

"I'm sorry this happened to you Mark" he said sadly as he plunged his knife into Mark's head, the walker going limp. Y/N pulled and cleaned his knife before he stood and turned, looking at an open cupboard full of medical supplies.

Morphine, IV tubes, gauze, bandages, tourniquets- Y/N shuddered as the realisation of the grim nature of their use sank in.

He continued to explore the house's upper floor and found two duffle bags in a bedroom. He emptied their contents on the floor and took them, filling one with the medical supplies and a box of candles that was in the same cupboard.

He walked downstairs, trying not to look at the cooked remains of Mark's legs that sat on the dining room table as he passed through to the kitchen. He was not gonna touch any food in this place. Off the kitchen was the laundry which the sick family had doubled as their armory.

He loaded what he could into the remaining duffle bag- four 9mm handguns, 20 full clips, two boxes of shotgun shells, four boxes of rifle shells and two shotguns. He managed to stuff one end in as he zipped the bulging bag up tight. He grabbed three rifles that were hanging by their straps and carried his haul out.

He quietly placed both bags on the porch before he re-entered the house one final time. He picked up a 5 gallon tin of turpentine he found in the laundry and started pouring it up the stairs and around the first floor rooms. He went to the front door, lit a match from a box he had found and flicked it.

The turpentine and carpet quickly lit, the fire taking hold as he walked across to the cornfield and watched dozens of walkers be attracted to and walk towards the blazing house. He left quietly through the cornfields, rifles on one shoulder, bags over the other and his crossbow in his arms. He thought momentarily about trying to get the cow to the motel, that was a hell of a lot of meat, but the squeals from the barn told him that was no longer an option as he walked silently away from the property.


The group were walking back through the forest in silence as Carley trailed back to walk side by side with Lee.

"Hey Lee. I'd say I'm sorry for leaving Brendon alone at the motel, but you know"

Lee chuckled.

"I'm damn glad you did Carley. If you hadn't taken that shot at Andy, Duck might've... I'm just glad you did"

Carley smiled.

"Me too. Were they really killing people, for food?"

"Yeah and Clementine nearly ate some" Lee replied, horror in his voice.


"Y/N stopped her. I can't leave her alone Carley. This fucking world now. It's hiding just unspeakable shit at every turn. I'm starting to think Y/N was right, but when he told me to shoot Andy... I turned round and saw the fear in Clementine's eyes, I just couldn't do it". Lee said, anger and then fear permeating his voice.

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