Ships in the Night

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"Got 'im" Kenny said relieved as he smashed the walker's head with his foot.

The group all turned to look at Kenny, the only exception being Y/N. He saw Lilly pull her gun and aim and fired an arrow as quick as he could raise his crossbow.

"Now what's all the-"

Unfortunately, owing to the bullet wound he had in his right shoulder it wasn't quick enough as Lilly fired.



"AHHHH fuck!!" Lilly screamed in pain, an the arrow lodged in her shoulder before Lee quickly slammed her into the side of the RV and she dropped her gun.

"Holy shit" Carley gasped in shock. The bullet had skimmed passed her head close enough for her to hear it but just far enough away to miss her. Three inches lower it would have cannoned into Y/N's forehead. Three inches to the right it would have hit her cheek. Y/N's arrow had just... just... altered Lilly's aim enough to effect the bullet's trajectory as she fired.

"Holy fuck. Carley! Y/N! Are you both ok?" Kenny asked rushing over as Lee glared at Lilly, Lilly looking back in shock at what she had done.

"I'm fine. I'm... Y/N you saved my life" Carley whispered in shocked relief. Y/N meanwhile was grimacing at the pain in his shoulder.

"Can I have some damn painkillers now?"

"Damn right you can. Get on everybody we're leaving this crazy bitch behind" Kenny growled.

"She can't be trusted Lee. I swear. Please" Lilly begged as Carley and Y/N got on the RV.

"You tried to fuckin' murder Carley, Lilly. How long til you put one in me? You're not safe to be around" Kenny roared as Brendon and Ben entered next.

"Not safe? You've had Lee with you this whole time-"

"I don't care what he did before!" Kenny snapped again.

"You know?" Lilly asked, tears starting to fall from her eyes.

"Yeah he told me. Come on Lee" Kenny said as he climbed into the RV.

"I'll die out here Lee" Lilly begged. Lee's glare hardened and he kicked her gun away. He snapped back:

"I don't care!"

Lee released her as he entered the RV and slammed the door, Kenny driving off, Lilly holding her arm with an arrow still sticking out before running off to the forest roadside- attempting to flee from the walkers drawn by the gunshot.

"You alright Carley" Lee asked with concern.

She looked up from where she sat next to Y/N. She was shaken but smiled.

"I am, thanks to my little hero here".

She spoke happily as she hugged into Y/N and kissed the top of his head. Brendon smiled, handing Y/N two tablets and a bottle of water before calling out:

"Katjaa, there's a tray of antibiotics here. Should Y/N take them? Just in case?"

"It's a good idea. Lee, Carley can we see you for a minute please" Katjaa answered.

Brendon handed Y/N a capsule as Lee walked passed smirking "great job Y/N" and Carley got up to head to the front as well. Clementine scooted over next to Y/N and smiled at her best friend.

"You saved Carley Y/N. Great job. I'm so proud of you!"

She grinned happily as Y/N gave a rare smile and felt his cheeks warm as he replied quietly:

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