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Y/N slowly opened his eyes as the world came back into focus. He heard yelling and screaming and felt a terrible thumping pain in his head.

He moaned in pain as his eyes focused up and he saw Clem looking down at him, suddenly aware his head was on her lap.

"Y/N you're ok. You're ok!" Clem sobbed as she leant down and hugged him. He was still struggling to come to as he noticed Lilly vomiting in the corner, Lee passed out on the floor and Kenny pacing in another corner. He heard Larry banging on the the door as he shot up and turned around.

"Are you ok Clem? They didn't hurt you did they?"

"Not really. Andy pulled my hair but-"

"Danny didn't touch you did he?"

"No" Clem said shaking her head.

"Thank god" Y/N replied in relief as they heard Lee starting to wake up. Clem looked between the two, unsure what to do.

"It's ok Clem, go to Lee" Y/N nodded as he sat fully upright and leant against the wall next to him. He made out Larry's words as opposed to the garbled yelling he'd previously heard as the room stopped spinning a little. He looked around and realised they were locked in some kind of cool room.

"Open the goddamned door! You can't keep us in here! Open up! I will tear you fuckers apart with my bare hands!" Larry bellowed.

"Will you stop that banging?! We've gotta find another way out!" Kenny replied, rushing over to Y/N who had tried to stand but fell backwards.

"Easy kid, easy. You took a hell of a knock".

"What happened?" Y/N asked, shaking his head. He ran his hand up the right side of his face and grimaced. It was swollen and sore but he could still open his eye at least.

"Danny hit you in the temple with the butt of his gun before he knocked out Lee. They marched us in here at gunpoint. Took our weapons. They've got my family Y/N..."

"We'll get them back Kenny... and we'll fucking slaughter all of the cannibal fucks" Y/N replied sinisterly as Larry yelled again.

"You sick fucking bastards! Open this door, goddamn it! I will knock the goddamn door down!"

"Dad, stop!" Lilly pleaded, having recovered from her vomiting.

"Lee!" Clementine said as Lee finally came around.

"It... it was a person! They tried to make us eat a person!" She continued.

"But you didn't do it?" Lee asked hopeful.

"No... Y/N stopped me" she replied as Lee sighed in relief.

"The rest of us did, goddamn it! If you hadn't dragged your feet...!" Larry roared.

"C'mon, Dad. Now's not the time" Lilly tried to calm him.

"You okay, Clementine? They didn't hurt you, did they?" Lee asked worried. Clementine shook her head and answered: "Mm-mm".

Larry returned to banging on the door and yelled "Open up!"

"Lee, those psychos have my family, and we're stuck in a damn meat locker! We gotta get the fuck outta here!" Kenny yelled as he helped Y/N to his feet.

"What happened?" Lee asked sitting up.

"The man hit you". Clementine replied.

"Then they threw us in the meat locker!" Lilly added.

"Lee, Y/N, we gotta get outta here! If they so much as touch my family, I'll kill those sons of bitches!" Kenny yelled in panic.

Larry returned to screaming and banging on the door.

The Walking Dead Season 1Where stories live. Discover now