You're Alive???

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Lee and Carley walked down the stairs, both smiling happily. They entered the lounge and could sense tension as Clementine smiled nervously.

"Hi Sweetpea. Everything ok?" Lee asked concerned.

Clementine looked down and Christa stood over her with a fierce look on her face.

"I was just asking Clementine if she knows who the man on her radio is. It's okay, honey, you can tell us. Who is he? What does he want?"

Clementine continued to look down and didn't answer. Lee knelt in front of her and gently took her hands.

"Go ahead, Clem. It's okay. You're not in any trouble".

Clementine looked up and nodded: "He's just a friend. I don't think he wants to hurt us".

Christa immediately snapped, sending Clementine back into her shell:

"What has he been saying to you? What have you been saying to him?"

"Christa easy" Carley said firmly as she joined Lee in getting down to Clementine's level:

"It's ok Clem. We just need to know".

Clementine slowly looked up again and nodded.

"I told him I was trying to find my parents, and that they were in Savannah. He really seems nice, I think he wants to help me find them".

Lee sighed, Carley looked at the girl concerned, Christa spoke:

"Clementine. Honey, trust me, that's not what he wants. He-"


The four adults looked at each other in panic at Y/N's screaming and raced out to the backyard.

"Y/N what's going on?" Lee yelled.

"Some motherfucker was standing here, fucking watching me bury the kid" Y/N scowled as he started to pace back at forth by the fence like a caged beast. Ben, Brendon and Clementine had joined the others in the yard now.

"Was it a walker?" Ben asked shakily.

Y/N glared momentarily before answering:

"No, too fast. Took off like a bat out of hell when I spotted him"

"Was it a man or a woman?" Carley asked.

"Man. Definitely" Y/N answered, still pacing.

"What does it matter?" Ben asked shakily.

"I'm wondering if it's the same guy who's been following us. The guy on the radio" Carley responded as Kenny stepped out of the house.

"Ken?" Y/N asked suddenly full of concern, his pacing ceasing.

"I'm fine son. Just... I'm fine. What's all the ruckus?"

"Y/N saw someone watching us from outside the gate" Brendon answered.

"What? Who? You ok boy?" Kenny asked. He suddenly rushed across the yard and checked Y/N over, his previous apathy disappearing in the space of only seconds.

"I'm...I'm not sure Ken. They ran off before I could get a good look" Y/N answered as he tried to push Kenny's panicked fussing away: "I'm fine Ken, chill".

"I don't like this one bit. Not one bit" Ben said as he nervously looked around.

"Me either. Walkers are one thing, but the thought of someone out there actually stalking us..." Christa agreed as she looked around panicked, mirroring Ben's actions.

The Walking Dead Season 1Where stories live. Discover now