Changing Loyalties

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The group ran through the armoury door, into a makeshift armoury in the schools bell tower. There were stairs off the room that led both up and down. Lee was the last in as he tried and failed to slam the door closed.

"Fuck. This armoury is almost empty" Kenny yelled. The group picked up what was left, Y/N placing two clips in his pocket and handing two to Carley.

She looked at him apprehensively but smiled as she took them.

"You ok Y/N?" She asked concerned.

"Be better when we're out of here Car".

Lee stood with his back against the door as walkers pounded on it. Kenny yelled at him:

"You didn't close that door behind us?"

"I couldn't, the lock was busted!" Lee yelled back.

"Great, just fucking great. Come on, there's gotta be a way out down here!" Kenny yelled, leading the group downstairs. They came across a door at the bottom of the stairs and opened it to be met with a horde of walkers in the corridor. Y/N slammed the door shut as the walkers charged and hammered on it, growling hungrily.

"Fuck! Where now?" Kenny yelled.

"Back upstairs. Take the higher ground and make a stand!" Y/N yelled back. He was the first to run up as Kenny yelled behind him:

"Fuck, boy! Wait! Fuck!"

Kenny charged next, followed by Carley who gripped Clementine's hand tight, then Ben, Christa, Vernon, Brendon, Molly and finally Lee.

Lee grabbed a rifle from a nearby corpse as Y/N got to the armoury level and opened fire, killing the four closest walkers quickly before firing on more. Kenny stopped only to be yelled at.

"Get up there now!" Y/N roared, Kenny yelling 'goddamn it' and ascending the staircase with his gun out. Carley stopped next to Y/N only to be screamed at as well.

"Get Clem upstairs now!"

Carley nodded and pulled Clementine by the hand, Brendon stopping and firing next to Y/N as the others ascended.

Lee came up last and yelled: "Go Y/N! I'll take the rear!"

Y/N nodded as he shot three more walkers, emptying his clip and running upstairs, changing his clip as he ran.

It was four flights of narrowed, winding stairs up to the top of the bell tower. Y/N stopped halfway to look down and see Lee's leg was caught in a broken step, Brendon desperately trying to help him as walkers closed in.





Y/N shot the four walkers closest to the two men, temporarily blocking the narrow path and buying the men time to free Lee's leg.

"Get your asses up here!" Y/N yelled to them as he started to run again.

Y/N got to the top of the stairs as Kenny yelled: "Staircase out the tower, we've got a way out!" over the loud ringing of the bell.

Vernon was first out, looking out across Savannah and asking:

"You didn't come into town from the railroad, did you?"

"Yeah, why?" Kenny asked back.

"Never mind. I can see the sewer where we came in from here. I think we can do this"

He descended the staircase down to the rooftop as Y/N stepped up.

"I'll go next then Clem. I'll shoot anything in our way".

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