New Faces

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Y/N looked down at Duck's corpse and felt an overwhelming sensation of numbness. He had never lost anyone he cared for before. He didn't know what to feel. He lent down and gently picked Duck up, laying him next to his mother, and placed her arm around him.

"I promise Kat. I promise I'll be strong for Kenny".

He stood and inhaled deeply, pushing his grief deep down before turning and returning to the group. They all stood staring at him as he spoke.

"I laid Duck next to Katjaa, Ken. They're together now".

Kenny nodded before walking over and pulling Y/N in a tight hug, whispering:

"We've still got each other son. We've still got each other".

Y/N returned the hug, squeezing tight.

The rest watched in silence.


The train barrelled along the tracks. Y/N sat on one side of the boxcar, legs hanging over the edge, watching the world go by. Carley and Brendon had asked if he wanted company. He shook his head so they gave him space. Brendon had gone to the driver's cabin with Kenny, Carley over to Clem who sat in the same position as Y/N but on the opposite side of the carriage. She held her arm out and Clem gratefully cuddled into her.

Lee entered the boxcar and smiled as he sat on the other side of Clementine.

"You ok Sweetpea?" He asked gently.

"Yeah, just thinking" she answered as she watched the world go by.

"About what?" Lee smiled.

"About what Chuck said"

"What did he say?" Lee chuckled.

"That what happened to Duck is going to happen to me".

Lee's face turned in an instant.

"The FUCK he did!"

"Swear" Clem replied, emotionless.

"Sorry Sweetpea. I'm gonna go talk to Chuck" Lee said as he stood. Carley gave him a worried glance as she stood:

"I'd better come too. We'll be back Clementine"

"Don't be mad" Clem said as the pair left. She looked out again but smiled as she felt a presence next to her, an arm wrap around her from behind as she was pulled tight into a side hug. She rested her head on Y/N's shoulder. The pair sat in silence for a few moments before Y/N said quietly:

"I won't let anything happen to you Clem. I'll die to protect you".

Clem thought about his words for a few moments before answering:

"I hope not... but thank you".

They sat in a comfortable silence, both feeling a little better in each other's presence as Y/N squeezed tighter.


Lee stormed along the train on a tear, bursting through the cabin to the front platform as Chuck stood there alone.

"Howdy" he said as Lee approached followed by Carley.

"I don't care what reasons you had for doing it, no reason for telling my girl she's gonna end up dead!"

Lee glared, Carley holding his arm to hold him back as Chuck looked back nonchalantly and replied:

"Cause she is".

Carley held on tighter as Lee went to take a step forward before Chuck continued:

"I don't know much about you folks, but I can tell you, sure as the sun gon' come up tomorrow, that y'all keep going on like this and that girl ain't gonna make it. The boy may be fine but that girl, nuh-uh".

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