Into Crawford

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It was almost midnight and everyone except Omid had gathered in the backyard. Y/N had his crossbow in his arms, Christa was loading her gun and Molly and Brendon were looking over the map.

Kenny emerged from the shed with a smile on his face.

"Check out what I found in the garage. Hatchet, hacksaw, some other tools. Might come in handy on this little break-in".

"Nice" Lee chuckled as Carley zipped up Clementine's jacket. Winter had begun to come in and the temperature was dropping at night.

"Don't want you to get sick honey" Carley smiled to Clementine and got a large smile  in return.

"Lee, Y/N, can I talk to y'all for a minute?" Kenny asked, motioning his head towards the house. Lee nodded and Y/N placed his crossbow over his shoulder and followed the pair, closing the door behind them after entering the house.

"What's up?" Lee asked as Y/N leant against the island top.

"I took another look at the boat. She's a 40-footer"

Lee looked at Kenny blankly and asked:


"So, we're gonna have a capacity problem. Boat that size ain't gonna hold more than seven people, even with two of 'em bein' kids.

"Me, you, Y/N, Clem, Carley, Christa, Omid, Ben, Brendon, Molly..." Lee counted.

"Assuming everyone makes it back alive, that's still two too many, even if we cut Molly loose. Before this is over, we're gonna have to make a decision"

"You're not serious" Lee replied with a deadpan expression. Kenny held his hands up.

"I'm just saying, we overload that boat and it won't end well".

"Let's just try to make sure everyone makes it back first" Y/N muttered as he looked through the blind to the back yard. His face turned and he growled:

"You gotta be fuckin' kiddin' me"

"What's wrong?" Lee asked.

"Vernon's back. And he brought his damn bitch with him"

The three exited the house to see Vernon and Brie. Brie and Y/N death glared at each other.

"Who the hell is this?" Kenny snapped.

"This is Brie, she can help-"

"This is the bitch that wanted to shoot me in the head, wanted to leave me to get lost in the maze under the city" Y/N snapped, cutting Vernon off. Brie immediately fired back:

"And you're the little asshole who threatened to kill me!"

Y/N drew his gun and held it to his side.

"You don't shut your pie-hole, I still might!"

"Whoa whoa, we're all on the same side here. Welcome Brie. We're gonna need all the help we can get" Lee said as he jumped between the two, trying to keep the peace.

"Help us how?" Carley asked, stepping behind Y/N and putting her hands on his shoulders in an attempt to calm him down.

"I was a student at the school where Crawford keeps their supplies. I know the layout" Brie answered as Vernon interjected:

"With her help we're in and out faster. Anyone got a problem with that?"

Y/N scowled but placed his gun back behind his back. Lee chuckled:

"I guess not"

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's get moving". Molly snapped and the group started to move out.

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