The Monster Within

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A/N: Fitting song for Y/N and the group right now. Enjoy the chapter.

Mark and Lee rushed down the path towards the farmhouse as Mark held his shoulder groaning in pain. Danny was standing on the porch while Andy worked in front of the barn. Andy looked up and saw the two men running towards him and rushed over yelling:

"Lee! What's wrong?"

Lee exploded at Andy:

"The electric fence came on! Some people started attacking from the woods and we got trapped between them and the fence! It was a goddamn ambush out there! I thought this place was safe!"

Danny ran up to the three men in a panic yelling "Holy shit! Are you okay?" as Andy held up his hands and apologised:

"I  heard Mark yell and thought y'all were giving me the all clear! Man, I am real sorry. But Bandits? Here, on our property?"

Lee nodded his head as Andy exploded:

"Fucking bandits! They have no right being out here!"

Brenda had emerged from the house at this point, drawn by the commotion as she shrieked in panic at Mark hunched over with an arrow sticking out of him. She rushed over asking:

"Oh, my Lord! What happened to you, sweetheart?!"

"It was those bastards in the woods, Mama..." Andy explained. Mark grimaced as he spoke:

"Yeah, I'll be alright once it's out, but, goddamn, it hurts!"

The rest of the motel group had arrived and approached the others. Kenny waved out "Hey, y'all!" before Katjaa noticed Mark and asked in a panicky voice:

"Mark! Oh, my God, what happened?"

"He got shot with an arrow" Lee explained.

Lilly was extremely worried as she asked Mark:

"Christ! Are you gonna be okay?"

Mark smiled and put on a brave face saying "Yeah, I'm fine. I should just... pull it out..."

Brenda moved over to Mark and gripped him gently.

"Oh, no, honey, c'mon, Brenda's got you. C'mon inside now. We'll have you all sorted out".

Brenda, Katjaa, and Mark walked toward the house together, Brenda smiling at Katjaa as she spoke:

"Well, you must be the veterinarian...."

The group watched the three of them leave before Larry roared:

"What kind of shit is this?"

Lee was still trying to catch his breath and compose himself from the attack as he explained to the group:

"We ran into some people on the way up here... bandits, I guess. I think it was them that attacked us. They had us pinned down, then they just stopped suddenly. It all went quiet so we hightailed it".

A voice from behind the group suddenly yelled out, startling them all.

"Why do you think that was?"

The group looked in shock at Y/N as he approached. His arms were covered in blood. There was some on his shirt and more had splattered across his face. The brothers looked at him horrified as Lee asked:

"Y/N? What are you-?"

"Why do you think they stopped firing at you Lee?" Y/N snapped, cutting him off.

"Y/N? Are you alright?" Clementine squeaked as she rushed over to him. She instinctively went to hug him before stopping at the last second, staring at the blood that covered him wide-eyed.

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