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Y/N, Kenny and Brie passed through the abandoned school in silence, exiting the lockered hallway through the doors they had previously entered with the group. As they got to the bottom of the staircase Brie motioned to them to head down another hall towards the rear of the school.

"If anything kicks off Brie you keep behind the two of us" Kenny said in a hushed tone as they proceeded cautiously, Y/N's eyes darting around like a hawk for any sign of danger.

"You want me to hide behind a kid?" Brie asked, an air of affront in her voice.

"Or you can die. Makes no difference to me" Y/N answered coldly, checking round a corner and signalling the other two forward.

"My boy ain't like no other kid. He's saved our lives more times than I can count. Protected us. Kept us fed. Trust me, you're safer with him than anyone else here I promise ya" Kenny gushed with pride.

Brie looked at the boy shocked. She'd taken an instant dislike to him when they had met, but on reflection, she hadn't been the most welcoming either. Maybe they just got off on the wrong foot. She extended an olive branch.

"That's pretty incredible. You must be proud of your son. Kinda weird he calls you Ken though" Brie chuckled.

"We ain't blood if that's what your askin'. I found him, right at the start. We been together ever since"

"And Ken's been more of a father to me than my own ever was" Y/N added with a warmth in his voice not usually present.

"That's pretty amazing, you two found each other like this, in spite of everything. Y'all have a lot of love for each other I can tell" Brie smiled.

"Family don't end with blood. Sometimes you make your own. Family's not who you're born with. It's who you'll die for" Kenny spoke with sincerity, trying to discreetly wipe a tear from his eye as he finished.

"Me too Ken. Me too" Y/N answered as they reached the rear main doors of the school. Brie walked forward and looked down shocked as Y/N grabbed her arm. He let go and she looked into his intense eyes as he held a finger to his lips.

 He let go and she looked into his intense eyes as he held a finger to his lips

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Before motioning with his eyes towards the door. Brie looked through the barred glass windows to see a schoolyard flooded with two dozen walkers.

"Oh my" she gasped.

"Shit" Kenny muttered. "Is that the shed over there, back right corner?"

Brie nodded.

"It is but I don't know how we can get over there"

Kenny looked down at Y/N who looked like he was deep in contemplation.

"What you thinking son?"

Y/N knelt down and unzipped his backpack, pulling out a string of firecrackers.

"Found these when I was scavenging in Macon. Thought they might be handy if we ever needed a diversion".

"Fuck. Good job boy!" Kenny whisper-shouted happily.

The Walking Dead Season 1Where stories live. Discover now