Nothing is forever

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As life goes on
No one forgotten
Past voices say my name
Over and over
Continuing till my heart turns rotten

You're just another memory
Fading from my life
Staining your existence in my mind.

Your portrait left in the drawings
I express on impulse
I've shown for the world
Unafraid, unbothered,
Aware of the consequence of bearing my soul.

It's good for a short while
Rather live then not live at all
Drown myself in an abyss of mess
A mess of feelings,
Good and bad
Take in everything
And eventually let it go.

Nothing about us is meant forever
We are experiences
Some shorter, some longer
Many gone in vain
But unique, no one is the same.

Somber, Melancholy, and Bittersweet (A Collection of Poems) Where stories live. Discover now