First Meetings

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The astronomy tower is the best place to go when you need to get away from everyone. Not many people go up there unless they're hiding from Filtch or they're looking for a place to hook up. I'm headed up there right now to get five minutes of peace from my bloody friends who have been arguing all day. Sirius and Remus are fighting and I don't know why, and Pete is not helping the matter because he keeps insinuating arguments. I need a break.

I don't expect anyone to be up there, which is why I chose the astronomy tower. I need a minute for myself.

When I get up stairs, I see the door is a open a little. Great. So someone is up here.

I open the door a little more and peak through to see who it is. When I see him, I relax. It's just him.

I push open the door and make my way into the room. He glances up at me and I can immediately see his face change from relaxed to annoyed.

"I love the affect I have on you," I say to him and he frowns. Regulus Black was not one for jokes.

"Leave me alone, Potter." He grumbles and turns away from me. He's facing the sky and it makes me wonder what he's even doing up here.

"Oh, but I just got here and you're clearly doing something you don't want anyone to know about," I say as I sit down beside him. He flinches a little and I frown. "So what are you doing?"

Regulus isn't like Sirius and I at all. He doesn't joke around as much as we do, and he doesn't take jokes very well. I've heard him joke around a few times but his humour isn't like Sirius'. Sirius makes jokes about himself, and has a very dark humour. Regulus is very sarcastic and his humour is... it's more like he's just making mean comments about others and himself and that's what he calls humour. At least, that's all I have ever heard from him.

"What are you even doing here?" Regulus ignores my question and decides to ask me the same question in return.

"I'll answer your question when you answer mine," I say to him with a smirk. He scowls at me. That's another difference between Sirius and Regulus. Sirius doesn't scowl. He might frown, but not scowl.

"Never mind, then." Regulus grunts and moves away from me a little bit. But he didn't leave. That's new.

"I just needed a place to escape. To be alone for a few moments but clearly that didn't work out," I decide to answer. He's not moving away... so maybe now is my chance to get to know him a little more.

"What? Need to get away from your bloody perfect friend group? Not so perfect, are you guys?"

Or... not.

"No, they're pretty perfect." I say smugly. "I just needed a minute."

Regulus scoffed. "You said they are, but not you?"

"I wouldn't say I'm perfect, no."

"Please," he scoffs "You're James bloody Potter. Do you even know what half the people around here say about you? To them, you're perfect."

"No one says I'm perfect," I mutter. Starting to get annoyed with him saying shit like this.

"Sirius used to say that every time he'd come home," Regulus says bitterly. "Until you saved him."

"You never answered my question," I point out. "Why are you up here, Reggie?"

He tenses at his nick name and then frowns. "Don't call me that."

"Answer my question," I insist.

"I'm always up here, Potter. I spend a lot of time up here at nights because I can't sleep."

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