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The guys have been teasing me all week about sneaking out at night to spend time with Lily. They've even hinted at her a few times about it and she knows somethings up. I can tell she's getting rather annoyed because now the girls are asking her questions too. 

My lie is coming undone. 

I'm on my way over to the Gryffindor table for breakfast but I glance towards the Slytherin one quickly to spot the black haired boy who sits at the end of the table with his two friends. He's always reading at breakfast. Always has a book in his hand while he eats his breakfast, barely even looking up at anyone. Sometimes he reminds me of Moony. You know, if Moony was a sarcastic git every hour of the day. 

"Good morning, Evans." I say as I sit across from her at the table. Marls and Mary are sitting on either side of her but she's doing her homework.

Maybe Regulus kind of reminds me of Lily too. Always reading. Lily can be quite fiery and sarcastic when she's pissed off. 

"Morning, Potter." She replies without even looking up. "What are you doing today? Quiddich?"

"Probably, and then probably doing something with the boys." I reply to her. "What about you? Studying?"

She smirks and nods her head. "Yeah probably, and then maybe something with the girls."

"Sounds fun," I say to her. 

"Ohhh, they're flirting." Mary jokingly teases us. Lily shakes her head and ignores her friends. Everything was nice and peaceful for about two minutes until Sirius barges through the door, followed by Pete and Remus. 

"Here we go," Lily mutters to her friends under her breathe and looks back down at her work. 

"Ohhhh Lilyyyyyy!" Sirius sings as the boys come over to the table. "We hear you and James have been sneaking around school again last night." 

Lily glances up at me curiously for a second before ignoring Sirius. I look over to Regulus and notice he's looking over at me. When he notices I caught him, he looks back at his book. 

"What? Lily, have you been holding out on me?" Marls asks her.

"Yeah, why is this the first we've heard about this? We're supposed to be your best friends!" Mary adds. 

Lily sighs and drops her muggle pen. She insists on writing with them because they're 'easier' than quills. 

"I wasn't with James last night, guys. Calm down." 

"Oh, come on. There's no point in hiding it Evans. We know already." Sirius continues to push.

"Come to think of it, you were out rather late last night Lils." Marlene says to her and she turns to her, urging her to stop talking.

"See, we all know. There's no point in hiding it anymore." Sirius adds with his cocky 'I figured it out' smile. 

If only he knew what I really was doing. Who I actually was with last night. It would wipe that smile off of his face. 

"I wasn't with James last night." Lily stands her ground. 


"One more word and I'll hex you. I wasn't with James. Yes, I was out late but I was with Severus, not James." 


After everything he did to her, she decides to trust him again? He doesn't deserve her.

"Pardon me?" Mary asks her. 

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