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I sit down beside Barty without saying a word when Sirius leaves. Today has already been a really strange day. This year will be strange too... 

"So, what did he want? To yell at you for James?" Barty asks me. 

"No- no. He actually didn't freak out at me at all," I tell him. "He told me that he's still afraid of our parents sometimes. That they'll find out about him and Lupin and hurt him or something." 

Barty doesn't say anything, he just listens. Evan doesn't really know what to say. He never does. 

"He told me that he's not mad at me for keeping James and I a secret, and he- he's trying to understand and just be there instead of getting mad." 

I knew Barty would have something to say about this. He has always had an opinion on Sirius. 

"But why? That's odd for Sirius... I mean, no offence but the lad is quite dramatic." 

"I know he can be dramatic. He's always been that way... but I think he means it. He asked me to tell me about James and I. He listened without judging or being mad." 

"Do you trust him, though?" Evan asks me. "I mean, he's... you know, a traitor and you took the mark. When he finds out-"

"He already knows," I say. "I told him. I trust him. I've always trusted him. He's my brother." 

"A brother that left you, Regulus." Evan continues.

"Evan-" Barty cuts in but Evan just shrugs. He doesn't understand me quite as well as Barty does. Sometimes it irritates Barty because he can be so- insensitive. 

"Sirius and I have been in very complicated situations but we've always understood- we've always known that we can trust the other..." 

"Then why didn't you tell Sirius about James?" Evan asks, and that felt like a slap in the face.

"Merlin, Evan. I'm going to hex you-" Barty mumbles angrily. 

"I didn't want him to be mad at me, or worse... I didn't want him to be mad at James." I admit. "Look, we've been in very hard situations... and we're just kids. Sometimes, things get messed up but Sirius has never not been in my corner. Even when we weren't talking. Even when we hated each other for- well for him leaving and me not going with him." 

"Reg, I hope you get what you're looking for with Sirius. I really do, but just promise me you'll be cautious. You're my best friend and I can't stand to see you hurt." Barty says to me.

Evan glances awkwardly between Barty and I, then nods in agreement. "What he said." he mumbles. 

"I can't believe I hugged James in front of him... what was I thinking? That was really dumb." 

"Yeah, it was." Evan says, and he laughs a little. 

"No," Barty says, glaring at Evan. "No it wasn't dumb. Look, I know why you can't be with him and I get it.. but James is not handling it well and I know he needed that hug. I know you did too... and yeah maybe it was stupid since you both are trying to move on, but if you both needed it.. it can't be that bad, right?"

"I suppose not," I reply. "Since when did you become so wise?"

"Since always, but glad you're finally realising this." Barty says, smiling proudly. "Listen, you know I'll support you in whatever you need, but James is really messed up right now and I think- Maybe you need to talk to him."

"What?" Evan asks, sounding like he completely disagrees. "No. That would be counter productive."

"Shut it, Evan." Barty snaps and turns to me cautiously. "I know it all hurts right now, but you and James need to talk... maybe it's the only way to move on."

"I don't know," I say. "I want to talk to him... don't get me wrong. What would I even say? Sorry for ending things with you. I'm just too fucked up to be with you. I need to protect you."

"Something like that," Barty agrees. 

"Funny," I mumble miserably. "Sirius offered to help me out of this mess." I say and motion to my mark. 

"Are you going to take it?" Evan asks, and he sounds a little worried for my answer.

"Not sure." I reply. "It would mean that I could maybe be with James.. but it could just end up getting us all killed." 

"Sounds worth the risk though," Barty says, shocking both myself and Evan. "I mean for you... at least you'll be able to be with James." 

"Are you on something right now?" I ask him and he snorts.

"No, i'm not. I'm trying to be a good friend." 

"Well- it's weird. You're worrying poor Evan over there." 

"I'm always a good friend to you, Reg. Unlike some people." Barty says, glancing at Barty with a dirty look. 

"What's your problem today Barty? I'm not even doing anything." Evan grumbles. I can't help but be amused at the two of them acting like children. You can tell they spent the entire summer together. 

"You two are going to drive me out of this compartment if you don't quit it." I say to them, and they both look at me, like they're thinking the exact same thing. 

"You might as well go now." Barty says.

"Yeah, we're not going to stop any time soon." 

"Are you two trying to get rid of me?" 

They look at each other again and then back at me. "No, of course not. We can't promise we won't argue though."

"I did not miss you two at all." I say to them and they smile in response. We all know it's a lie. 

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