Chapter 3

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Riding through the forest with no light at night was an arduous task, for both the riders and the horses. However, it was necessary because it would be harder to be pursued without them noticing.

"Maid," Jacobe called, "We need to give the horses a little break. We've been riding for hours. We are coming up on a river."

Soon after he said that they heard the sound of rushing water. Leading the way, Jacobe steered his horse to the river.

"I will water the horses and I need you to tend to Elnora," Jacobe stated as he carefully swung his leg over the horse. He was being extra careful since Elnora was strapped to his chest. Once he was on the ground, he walked over to the maid and handed Princess Elnora to her.

"After we cross this river, we will no longer be in the imperial capital," Jacobe said as he walked two of the horses to the river. "I think it's best if we do not speak in formalities. We need to make a cover story so our identities are not revealed."

After he led the first two horses to the river he walked back to get the third. He began to speak as he grabbed the reigns of the third horse. "From now on you are our Nanny. You will just call us by our name without our titles. Alright?"

"I understand, Jacobe. Please call me by my first name, Emily." The maid said as she tended to Princess Elnora.

"That is acceptable. I shall call you Nanny Emily. While we take this break I will check what we have packed as well as what is in the archers' horse." After Jacobe made his announcement, he immediately began checking the horse he rode.

His horse was a pure black Destrier mare. Her name is Ebony and she was a gift to him for his 12th birthday and she is a war horse. Ebony has a long shiny coat and her mane matches perfectly. Moving to her right side, Jacobe looks through the saddlebag. Right away he noticed his throwing daggers, a map, and some clothes folded up. When I have more time, I'll look at exactly what clothes were packed. Since this is a quick search I'll move on. Jacobe thought to himself. Moving on to the left side of the saddlebag he notices this pouch is bigger. Upon opening the pouch Jacobe sees cheese, bread, fruit, and water pouches.

After taking inventory of his horse, he moved to the next closest horse, Emily's. Emily's horse is a strong, grey stallion whose mane and the tail is white and black and his name is Cobolt. By the time Jacobe reached the horse's flank, the horse was done drinking and started eating grass.

In Colbolt's right saddle pouch there were more clothes, blankets, 4 little glass bottles with a cork nipple, folded up parchment, little wooden toys, jewelry, oil vials, soaps, and 4 coin purses. On his left side there were; more food, bottles, water pouches, and a small wooden box. What's in here? Jacobe thought as he examined the box. Upon inspection, it was a dark brown color with a hint of red. There were engravings carved in the box, but it was too dark to see all the details.

"Prince Jacobe," Emily called, "could you hold Princess Elnora for a moment?"

Prince Jacob looked at the box a moment longer and then said "I can. Let me put this back first." Prince Jacobe put the box back at the bottom of the saddlebag pouch and put the rest of the items on top of it, effectively hiding the box once again. Once he double-checked his surroundings, making sure he pz e. ut everything back, he walked over to Emily.

"OK, I'm ready." He said as he reached for Princess Elnora. "Why do you want me to hold her?" Jacobe asked.

"I changed her and need to wash her diaper. The smell could attract wild animals or the people following us could find it." Emily responded while walking to the river. She made sure she washed the linen away from the horses.

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