Chapter 31

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Nancee POV

Sitting in the carriage after that battle felt amazing. My body feels very tense and my muscles are sore.

It was hard to relax from all the pain I was in, but it was a relief I didn't have to ride my horse as we traveled with the caravan. Honestly, I offered to ride beside him because I wanted to prove I wasn't useless. That these injuries wouldn't stop me from doing what he brought me to do.

If I can't be of use to him, I think he might kill me or let me die. While we were fighting together, he changed. He became crazed and had a tangible bloodlust. The joy he had while killing our enemies terrified me. I had gotten distracted and watched him massacre all those around him.

The enemies were too frightened to attack him because that meant certain death for them. I, however, was entranced with his movements. It almost seemed like he was dancing. A dance that guaranteed death.

While I was watching him, I hadn't paid attention to the men in front of me. They had multiplied in number and were all attacking me. If it wasn't for an arrow that shot past my face, I wouldn't have been able to dodge a blow, aimed at my heart.

That's when I noticed everyone and went on the defense. I was able to strike a few down, but I was still outnumbered, and arrows were still being shot at me. After a while, I noticed I was the only one fighting and briefly looked at Prince Jacobe, and she was just standing there.

Watched me as I was overwhelmed. They were stabbing me and it took all my strength and energy to keep standing and blocking. However, I was able to injure and even kill some of them. Just not enough to make a difference. I silently begged for assistance and his eyes became hard. As if I was a nuisance. At that moment, I knew I was worthless in his eyes.

If Mark hadn't come when he did, I'm sure I would be dead, killed by Prince Jacobe or the enemy. Upon seeing Mark, Prince Jacobe started to help me. The blood lost was still evident by the look in his eyes, but he hid it from the newcomer.

Now, he was acting like the man we first met. But which one was real, the kind and stern Prince or the blood-lusting crazed man I just encountered? If it is the latter, I will do my best to stay out of his way and not anger him. No matter which one is real, he is my Prince and I will give my life to protect him. Either way, I will earn his respect, which will be rewarded in the future.

As I sit contemplating my next move, someone knocks on the door. I look over at the maid and see she is sleeping with the basket that holds the baby next to her. Steeling myself, I rise and walk to the door on weak legs. Since the carriage is still moving I brace one arm on the doorframe for balance and open the door with the other.

Cracking the door and peaking through, I see Grant riding on his horse next to us. I push the door open further to speak to him.

"Why wouldn't you just come to the window to speak?" I scowl.

He just laughs which annoys me further.

"What do you want?" I ask harshly.

"I'm just checking in on you all. How do you feel?" He asked thoughtfully.

I stared at him blankly. Did he come here to ask me trivial things? This really could have waited or he could have spoken to me through the window.

"Seriously? You came here to ask me that while I am in a moving carriage, with the door open, standing on weak legs?" I asked incredulously.

He looked stunned at my tone then laughed slightly.

"Well, when you put it like that, I sound inconsiderate. But I guess I hadn't considered those facts when I came to you. I'm sorry. I'll ride over to the window so you don't have to stand any longer."

I smiled at him gratefully and slowly shut the door. Then I made my way back to my seat, careful not to step on Nico whose still on the ground. When I was seated I pulled the curtain back fully and waited for Grant.

It didn't take long for him to come around and when he did, I noticed he kept averting his eyes. He couldn't look at me for long.

Besides that, we had a nice chat. It felt good to relax and let some of the tension out of my body. I asked him about what was happening and he informed me we will be passing through Arrocall soon.

When the caravan finally met up with us, everyone gave us a wary look so Prince Jacobe and Stanley suggested we travel towards the back. Understanding the situation none of us had a problem with it because it also meant the travelers won't be in our business. Giving us a chance to relax.

We were also informed to keep our travel documents and Guard documents ready. Those documents ensured we traveled safely, even across the border in another country. And we would get there even if we had to abandon the caravan.

The last thing Prince Jacobe had advised us before he walked off was to call him Everett. Even when we are alone, just in case someone tries to listen in on our talks they will only hear one name. Everett is his new identity and the moment we step across the border Prince Jacobe is dead. The same goes for the baby as well. He never told us her name, but I have a gut feeling she is the princess. Therefore our future Queen.

That would be the only reason why he would bring an infant along with him on this perilous journey. He has to protect her and make sure she lives so she can retake her throne.

Hopefully, I'll be able to watch over her as she grows.

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