Chapter 32

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Everett POV

I decided to ride close to Stanley to see what his true motive was. While I was with him I noticed how the travelers treated him. They almost revered him as if he were a King or God. Little did they know they were were in the presence of two of the Royal Family.

I hid my smirk as one of the men walking alongside Stanley suddenly turned his attention to me. Trying to look friendly I held up one hand and waved at him. The only thing he did was scowl and avert his eyes.

What's wrong with him? I asked myself as I put my hand back to the reigns of my horse. Ebony snorted and threw her head back. She hasn't had a proper rest with food and water and she is running on pure adrenaline. Being a war horse, she was trained for endurance and speed, but I still neglected her.

"I'm sorry girl. You will get to rest soon and I will personally feed you some apples." I told her while patting her neck gently.

Stanley took that time to lean over and start talking.

"Hey, Everett, buddy. A couple of the men in the caravan feels a bit uncomfortable. They feel as if your planning their downfall." He laughs while clapping my back.

I don't respond, just keep looking forward. Why should I care how they feel. We will be splitting from this caravan soon anyways. Withthespeed we're going, we'll separate from then in  day maybe two. When I didn't answer he continued.

"I think you should take the scowloff your face at least. Even if you are suspicious of every single person here, you should at least hide it. Don't let everyone know how you feel. Sometimes it can be your greatest weapon," Stanly said while laughing in a jovial manner.

I thought about what he said, and he was right. By me not looking approachable I'm inviting unwanted dangers. The caravan leader will have to take her fellow travelers feelings into consideration, and if they don't feel,she may tell us to leave. Thus being open for another attack and all of us are weary and injured.

"Thank you for letting me know Stanley.  Honestly I'm just lost in thought. I had no idea I looked so scary. Please relay my apologies and my gratitude for allowing us to travel with you all. I'll do my best to not look so intimidating, but I'll understand if they still keep their didtance." I told him while smiling back.

He looked at me for a moment, never dropping his smile and nodded his head.

Changing the subject I asked about the distance to Arocall. I was surprised to fine that we were approaching it now.

"I know the sun is close to setting and you and your people most likely want to rest. But even after we cross the border we won't stop until we have two miles between us and Lunaria. However, when we do stop we will be resting by a river so the horses can have a drink." Stanley said.

I already knew most of this because he told me while we talked with Madam Merlinia, the Caravan leader. Wondering why he bothered to tell me again, I squinted my eyes and him and nodded. Urging him to tell me something new.

Seeming to understand what I wanted, he squirmed uncomfortable before clearing his throat.

"Which bring me to sleeping atangements. The group would feel more comfortable if you make your own camp. Elsewhere." He stated. To his credit, he looked uncomfortable and remorseful having to yell me this.

"However, you do not have to be far. You can stay close to the caravan. You'll just have your own campfire!" He added hurriedly.

"Right. Well if you'll excuse me, I have to inform my companions of the new development." With that, I made my horse turn, going to the back of the caravan.

Going against the way the travelers were walking earned me some nasty scowls and looks. However, I didn't care. I thought of leaving the caravan entirely, the moment we crossed the border. We could find our own way to the capital.

I don't care what Stanley is up to anymore and the caravan leader wouldn't stop staring when I met her.

When the caravan reached our location, I was led directly to Madam Merlinia. She was located directly in the middle of the caravan. Her carriage was the biggest and the most colorful. It was a patchwork of reds, yellows, greens, blues, and oranges. Sentries were posted on all four corners of the carriage and two were sitting up front, steering the horses.

Upon arrival I was searched by one of her sentries, then had to ask to seek an audience. Honestly, if I didn't need them to hide, I would not put up with thus treatment. However, to show them I'm no threat, I allowed the search and handed over my weapon as well.

Once inside, I was met with Madam Merlinia's curious gaze. As I moved to sit, her eyes followed me. She didn't even spare a glance for Stanley, whom showed me the way.

"Nice to meet you. My name is Everett." I said, hoping to end the awkward silence.

"Well met, Everett, you may call me Madam Merlinia. Now that the pleasantries are over. What brings you to my caravan?" She asks, with distrust clear in her eyes.

Thus our conversation began. We discussed why I wanted to travel with them, admittedly I didn't tell her the full truth. However by the look in her eyes, she knew I hadn't told her anything. Still she granted us permission to travel with them, close to the back of the Caravan.

The whole time we were talking, Stanley couldn't stop staring. I grew increasingly suspicious of the whole encounter. By the end of our discussion I left sure of the fact Stanley and Madam Merlinia are both hiding something.

My only question is: if what their hiding will affect me and my mission?

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