Chapter 19

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Jacobe POV

I walked into the doctor's building and went straight to Emily's room. Hopefully, this Dr. Edmondson knows how to cure poison and infections. How did he even recognize me? I'm sure I never met him before. Could he be a spy? As I pondered this I became agitated and began rubbing Elnora's head.

Before I realized it, I was standing outside Emily's room. The door was left ajar so I did a courtesy knock. "Are you woke? May I enter?" I asked.

After a while of nobody answering, I pushed the door open a little and glanced in. After seeing Emily was still unconscious on the bed, I pushed the door open all the way and went in. I didn't want to be bothered so I closed the door behind me, fully this time.

After spending so much time checking on Emily and securing passage out of the town, I needed to take some time to check on Elnora. I walked over to the seat I was in before and started to take her out of the wrap.

She was asleep, so I moved slowly and carefully. After taking her out of her wrap, the first thing I noticed was she had soiled herself. Seeing as I don't know how to properly change her yet, I sought out a female nurse.

Luckily one was walking by as I opened the door.

"Nurse, could you assist me with the baby?" I asked. She looked down at Elnora and then back to me with pity in her eyes. Seeing the pity angered me and I stood taller.

She must have understood because she stopped staring at me and said, "Of course. I'll be back with some changing supplies, and some food for her." With that being said, she walked away and I went to my chair. I left the door open so she could enter without knocking.

I didn't have to wait long before she came back. Not only did she have changing supplies and food, but she also had some blankets and a basket for her. I looked at her curiously.

She smiled and said, "Well, this is so she can lay down and not have to be held in the sling, you've made, all day. It will give you more mobility and freedom as well, Mr. Everett."

"Thank you for your consideration," I replied. Honestly, I felt conflicted. I knew she needed the basket so she can rest better, but I've grown accustomed to her warmth. However, it doesn't matter how I feel, I need to make sure she is comfortable and the nurse made a valid point. I would gain my mobility back and not risk injury to her. After I thought about it more, I realised the nurse was smart to bring the basket.

"Alright, Mr. Everett, I will be teaching you how to properly change her. It's alright if you do not get it right away so don't get frustrated, she will be able to sense it and she will cry. First I will do it to show you, then I will take it off for you to try," the nurse said. She looked at me briefly then started changing Elnora.

She moved slowly so I could see the steps. After she finished, she stepped aside so I could see the finished result. I did my best to memorize everything.

"OK, I'm ready," I said and she began taking the diaper off again. I moved in position and began putting the diaper on. At least I tried to.

"This is going to take some time," I laughed.

"That's fine. Just remember, she may have to go again soon. So you better hurry," the nurse said and laughed at my panicked look.


"There! I did it," I exclaimed. Somehow I was able to put the diaper on her. Admittedly, it doesn't look like it did when the nurse did it, but it was on. And I did it!  Was exhausted. It's a wonder how the Emily and the nurse did it swiftly.

"You did a great job Mr. Everett. Do you mind if I redo it? It doesn't look like it will stay on very long." The nurse asked timidly. She knew how long it took and she didn't want to undo my work, bur she was right.

"Go ahead, I know it's not as secure as it could be. I'm just proud I did it myself. I will keep practicing." I told her proudly.

She quickly got to work fixing Elnora, and when she was done she began feeding her. I was grateful for her doing so as I was starting to get tired. I relaxed in my chair, bur kept my eyes on the nurse the entire time. After 15 minutes, Elnora was satisfied.

"I didn't realize she was so hungry. How often would you recommend her eating? I would like prevent her from being this hungry again. But I also don't want to over feed her and, if that's a thing." When I asked the question I was embarrassed. I was supposed to know this information already.

The nurse noticed I was a bit uncomfortable and she tried to comfort me. "That is an excellent question. I will tell you everything you need to know," shevsaid with a smile on her face.

For the next 15 minutes, I listened intently to everything she had to say. I was learning new information and about to ask a question when we were interrupted with a knock on the door. Looking up, I saw both of the commanders.

"They must have everything ready for my departure." I thought. "Thank you for everything nurse. Can you go get the doctor? "

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