Chapter 40

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Jacobe POV

"HOLD YOUR TONGUE!" I shout. Immediately, everyone was silenced. "YOU HAVE NO RIGHT OR AUTHORITY TO CRITISIZE  MY ROYAL FAMILY." I seethed.

"Prince Jacobe is correct. You all are out of line, especially you two, Sir Tyreke and Sir Johnathan. The both of you are way out of line and as you know, insulting a Royal comes with severe consequences. Especially since they are my honored guests. Since I am not the one you insulted, Prince Jacobe with choose your consequences. The four of us will convene at a later time to discuss it." after he said that, he turned his attention to me, effectively putting an end to that conversation.

"Per your request, that too is something we are able to assist with. I know the importance of education for a future ruler. You need only schedule the time you want to come learn and I can have tutors or even myself assist in teaching you how to rule a country. Of course, some of our practices are different from your own, but it helps to know different ways to do something and what those results are. I assume that there is nothing else you wish to discuss at the moment?" King Caster askes.

I take a moment to think and realized all my queries have been answered.

"That is everything. I wish for nothing more than to let my sister and the rest of my group rest." I say, careful not to show how weary I am. However, King Caster seemed to notice it anyway.

"Then this meeting is over. Counselors, you have know what you must do. I want everything completed in three days at the longest." He said looking around the table.

The counselors who all had rude things to say started to speak out about the time frame, and the ones who said nothing seemed fine with the time frame.

"I know you al will be able to get everything completed with no problems and delays. Am I right?" King Caster askes that one group in particular. They start to feel uncomfortable and after a moment of silence they all answered.

"That will be plenty of time, Sire."

"You are all dismissed. You too may go if you do not wish to stay." King Caster says to his stand in.

Without a word, he bows and leaves the room before the counselors do. The only people left in the room were my group and King Caster.

"Unfortunately, the house is not ready for you. I assumed you would want to live in the Castle for added protection. I had two rooms set up for extended stay, now that you are all here and will stay, I will have more rooms made up immediately. However, I must note that we typically have separate living quarters for the Knights. I'm sure you all would feel safer closer together so I'll have a room prepared with adjoining doors. The House should be ready and fully stocked and decorated in two days. Everything else will be completed the following day, but you cam move in the same day the house is ready. none of your staff will know of your true identity, to lessen the risk of you being found." He pauses and begins walking out the room. We all follow down the hall.

"I'm sure you noticed, but there is a festival going on. While you wait for your house, feel free to go into town. If not to enjoy yourselves, to scout and learn your surroundings." He finished.

While we walked I studied the walls. It looked different from how I remembered it. The walls are a solid black trimmed with gold on the top, there are built in support pillars that are white with gold spiraling down to the bottom. The floor is a natural white marble with little gold flecks glittering when the sun hits it. Various portraits line the wall but one captures my attention. It is a portrait of an animal with different animal parts. I had stopped walking to observe and King Caster noticed, walking back to me.

"Ahhh, I see you noticed our Griffin." He said. The griffin was four different colors the wing tips were a light blue, like the morning sky, further down

"A Griffin? I believe I heard my mother talk about it before. About how the first king had a pet and they shaped the kingdom. Isn't that just a fairy tail?" I asked.

"As much as a fairy tail as your Phoenix." He countered

I glared at him briefly before turning and continuing down the hallway. Shortly after, we arrived to our rooms. I stood outside while Grant, Nancee, and Nico inspected both rooms. Caster walked in the room with them and answered any questions they had regarding who had access to the room and the additional guard detail. After they were satisfied with my room, they checked their own room.

Once everything was checked off their list, I told Caster I wanted Elnora in my room and not the nursery. Understanding my concerns, he readily agreed and said everything will be set up and installed shortly. He then left us to relax. I went to the giant gold and laid right in the middle. Emily went to the chaise lounge couch, set Elnora's basket down and sat down.

"Ahhh," She said as she stretched her legs. "I feels good to relax, but I can't wait to make it to our new home."

"What I can't wait for is going to that festival ang having some fun!" Grant shouted as he walked back into my room. "I came to tell you that a bed has been set up for Emily and they will be in here soon to set up the crib."

"Great. The sooner they leave the sooner we can relax." No sooner than I finish my sentence, someone knocked on my door. "Enter!"

Immediately, a group of maids and stewards entered the room. Once they found me, they bowed simultaneously  then began setting up the temporary crib for Elnora. Everything was quick and efficient and they were out the room in a few minutes. 

"Emily please inspect the crib to make sure it is safe enough and comfortable enough for her. I don't want her waking up in the middle of the night because she doesn't feel comfortable." I said and Emily stood to do as she was told.

Once she was done inspecting everything she adjusted a few things and set Elnora inside. She waited a few minutes and after Elnora did not wake up she turned to me with a smile on her face, feeling satisfied.

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