Chapter 12

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Emily POV

"Did Prince Jacobe just say that?" I wonder as goosebumps cover my body. This doesn't seem like the Prince I know, and I'm worried.

Now that I'm sitting and my arm is bandaged, I'm able to focus a little more. Princess Elnora has been crying so long I'm sure her throat I sore. She is now sort of whimpering.  I take her out of the wrap and hold her to my chest.

Bouncing her slightly, I make shushing sounds to calm her. I don't want to draw attention to ourselves so I try to calm her down as fast as possible. The poor little Princess has been crying for so long her eyes are puffy and her whimpers sound a bit hoarse.

"Shhh, everything is alright, no need to cry," I lie as I make myself smile. She doesn't need to feel scared. I lay her in my left arm and use my injured arm to wipe her face. She is still whimpering slightly.

"There we go. A beautiful little princess," I cooed as I grazed her cheek. "You must be hungry. Let's get you some food"

Before I get her milk, I look toward Jacobe to see if it's safe to move. I don't think they have noticed us, so I decided to move slowly and carefully toward Colbolt. Luckily, the side closest to me had the food and milk.

I dig in the pouch with my right hand and grab a bottle. Then, I creep back to the giant rock to sit. Making sure Elnora's head is properly held up, I put the bottle's nipple in her mouth. At first, she doesn't want to eat, but after a few seconds, she eagerly drinks the milk.

"You must be dehydrated," I mumble to myself. This is a really bad situation we are in. I hope we can get away to King Caster's land safely, but it's not looking like that will happen.

Before I could think of anything else that could go wrong a wave of extreme fatigue hit me. Knowing I must protect the princess, even with my life, I tried to fight it.

"Why am I so tired? Why is my heart is beating aggressively in my chest? Oh, I'm so hot and my arm is starting to go numb." With that last thought, I lazily rolled my head to look at my right arm. Twisting it a little, I could see it was bleeding through the bandage I tied. The bandage was soaked and blood was dripping down my arm.

I knew I should be alarmed, but I was just too sleepy and relaxed. However, I did lay down on the ground with Princess Elnora. Using my body as an extra shield. She had finished eating, so I knew she would be fine, but will I?

My vision was fading fast, and I was being swallowed by the blackness. The last thing I remember is Elnora's face as she did a little hiccup.

Then there was nothing.

Where am I?

Who am I?

How did I get here?

What was I doing? 


The darkness was filled with questions somebody was asking. There was a voice, but no person. 

Where am I?

Who is asking the questions, I wonder

Who am I?

Where is that voice coming from?

How did I get here?

To the right? I try to look right but there was only darkness.

What was I doing? 

To the left? I look left and am greeted with darkness again.

Where am I?

The voice surrounded me, engulfing my entire body.

Who am I?

My body?

How did I get here?

I lift my hands to look at them, but nothing is there.

What was I doing?

I don't have a body? What am I?


Who am I? AM I DEAD?

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