Chapter 18

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Jacobe POV

Click. The sound of the last lock clicking in place echoed through the room. The two men did not move they just stared at me. As if they were studying me. My mind raced. Trying to make a plan to leave safely.

Before I could come up with a solid plan that did not include leaving Emily, they pulled out their swords. Immediately, I took a defensive stance and pulled out my sword.

"The front door is made of glass. If I'm quick enough, I could use my earth magic to break it. I would need to completely shatter it so Elnora won't get cut. I won't be able to take Emily. In the state she is in, she'll only slow us down." I was thinking of an exit strategy while slowly backing away.

I was three feet away from the door when the two knights moved. My body tensed, ready to fight, but they made no move toward me. Instead, they kneeled. Their heads were down and they held their swords out to me in both hands.

"You honor us with your presence, Prince Jacobe," they said in unison.

I had not yet responded to them when the one on the right spoke. "My name is Commander Derrick. I remain loyal to the throne and am at your disposal."

Commander Derrick looked to be around 55. His dark brown hair was turning grey and was cut short, close to the head. By looking at him, one could see he trained his body hard.

After Commander Derrick spoke, the guard on the left went.

"Your Highness, my name is Commander Dmitry. I, too, remain loyal to the throne. Use me as you see fit."

Commander Dmitry looked similar to Commander Derrick. The only noticeable difference was the hair. Commander D'mitry's hair was blonde with bits of grey.

I took my time assessing whether I or not I should trust them. Then it dawned on me who these men were. They use to be the head of my father's army. One day they just left. At the time, I was too busy with my training to care. I wonder how they got here.

"Thank you, Commander Derrick and Commander Dmitry. You may rise," I said. I hesitate before adding, "By your responses, I assume you are aware of what's happened at the Castle?"

They were silent for a moment before Commander Dmitry spoke.

"We weren't sure at first. Dr. Edmondson was the first to see you arrive. He notified us. Admittedly, we were skeptical, as we didn't receive any summons from the castle for aid. However, we see the state you are in, as well as your travel companion, and we cannot deny what has come to pass." When Dmitry spoke, his voice wavered, but he tried to hide it. If I revered correctly, he has family in the capital. He must be worried about them.

"For that reason, we are ready to defend you, Lord Protector, and the future Queen with our lives. We know you must get away as fast as possible. We will prepare a carriage and extra supplies for you right away," Commander Derrick said.

The whole time they were speaking I stayed in my defensive stance. I cannot get too relaxed because this might be a trap. So I asked, "If you knew who I was, and I know you did Commander Derrick, why would you make all of your men leave and lock the door?"

Without wasting time Commander Derrick dropped to his knees and held out his sword once more. As if to show he is submitting to me.

"That is correct, your Highness.  I recognized you immediately. The reason I made the men leave was so you could have privacy. Seeing you here and with no guards to protect you and the Princess does not bode well. I knew you would not feel comfortable admitting who you are in front of a crowd. You do not know who to trust. There may be spies. Before you ask, I gathered that by the lack of guards. I know the Queen and King will do their utmost to protect the future Queen. You being by yourself means the castle has been infiltrated. I wanted you to know that we are loyal to you and the future Queen. No matter what."

When Derrick spoke, his voice was strong and clear, he did not waver even though he knew that if I did not believe him, he will be killed. What made me believe them was the fact that I asked Derrick directly, yet Dmitry put himself in the same position. There was no fear in their eyes. That's when I knew I could trust them.

"Please stand. I believe you, and thank you for your loyalty. You were correct on all of your assumptions. My presence here must be unknown to everyone.  Including the guards. My name is Everett,  I've already given the doctor that name. Please have the wagon set up and ready to go within a couple of minutes.  For our safety, I cannot tell you where we are going. But I will tell you that we are being followed. I killed three of them in the woods thirty minutes out. I'm worried they will have a scout look for them and they will discover what direction we went," I said.

Immediately they went into war mode. Their stances changed and they were very attentive. I was grateful to have experienced allies. Some of my stress was relieved when they took in the situation and was offering helpful solutions.

"I will gather a few men and go clean the battlefield. I will make sure no trace of you is left and we will discard the bodies. We will check them for any useful information as well." Commander Derrick stated and I could tell he had come up with a sound plan of attack.

"Then I shall get the supplies and wagon ready. We will use your horses for the wagons. I'm sure you do not wish to part with them. We will also add a basket with some blankets for you to lay the princess in. Will you be leaving your companion behind?" Commander Derrick stated. He gave me time to think.

After thinking for a while I said, "I will be taking her with me. She is the maid my mother trusted to take care of Elnora. She has experience with babies that I do not."

When I finished speaking I noticed both Commanders smiling.

"So she is named after the Queen's mother. I remember how fond she was of her mother. Thank you for telling us her name. It means a lot." Commander Dmitry bowed and left to clean the battlefield.

"It is truly a beautiful name. I know she will be cherished and loved. Do not worry your presence here will be unknown to everyone, including my men. I understand you cannot tell us where you are going, but as you said, you are being followed. Please some men to assist you. Honestly, I would feel better if you let one of us accompany you, but I suspect you will not. You need the help. Your maid is hurt and you will be left defending them both by yourself.  This will make it so you have less to worry about." Commander Derrick pleaded.

I understand where he is coming from, so I do not dismiss it right away. It would be nice to have other people help fight and protect Elnora. But are they trustworthy?

As if reading my mind Commander Derrick said, " I promise I will provide you with trustworthy men. They also do not have to know your true identity should you wish it. They can look like hired body mercenaries to not draw unwanted attention."

"Alright. I'll take two men. No more. Help would be appreciated. Please make the carriage comfortable for the maid. I will be going to the hospital. Before we depart from this town, I want you and Dmitry to see me. I have something to give you." After saying that last thing, I turned to leave, grateful the door was unlocked when Dmitry left the building.

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