Chapter 8

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Jacobe POV

With the male knight scowling at me, I wanted to kill the female knight as fast as possible, so he and I could have a real fight. The anticipation has me bouncing with joy as I raised my left hand towards him. In doing so my eyes glowed brightly as the male night was pushed back 15 feet.

"Stay there. I want to fight you alone!" I shouted as I surrounded him with a barrier of stone. "This will be quick!" I growled as I turned to face the female knight.

"Don't be so sure about that, Jacobe." She said as she charged at me.

Already feeling bored with her I decided not to waste too much energy on her. I didn't move and my horse was getting jittery. She did not like another horse charging straight for her. I patter her on the neck to calm her as the knight drew near.

The knight stood upon her horse, and when she was close enough, jumped at me.

"Aarrgghhh!!" She screamed as she launched at me. Her sword was arching down towards my neck.

Hoping to end this as quickly as possible, I thrust my sword up. By that time, she was inches away. Her sword was aimed at my chest and her right hand was aimed at my neck. She intended to knock me off my horse, choke me, and, with gravity aiding the momentum of her fall, stab me through the heart in one fell swoop.

Realizing that it would be quicker to let her knock me off my horse, I make my body slack and inhale deep, to decrease the impact of the fall. Her small hand grabs my throat, and I can't hide my smile as we fall to the ground.

"Oof!" All the air I inhaled leaves my body as my back slams into the ground.  The knight's blade moves closer to my chest but stops as my smile reappears.

"WHY ARE YOU SMILING?!? YOU'RE ABOUT TO DIE!" She yelled which made me laugh. My laughing is making her unnerved and she begins to fidget. Tightening and loosening her had on my throat. Which only serves to make me laugh harder.

"OH, this is so sad," I said between laughs. She was visibly frustrated and her face contorted into an angry snarl. Her sword began pressing into my chest. Since I had on light armor I could feel it sting as was cut.

"Well I'm glad you had your laugh, NOW DIE!" She roared as she tried to drive her weird through my chest.

Still laughing, I grab the blade with my left hand. Using my fire magic, I melt the blade and she is stuck in shock.

I take that chance to rip her arm off my throat and roll us over, so now I'm the one on top of her. Her eyes are filled with fear and my pulse speeds up in excitement. My eyes begin to glow brighter the more excited I get. Mimicking her, I put my left hand on her throat and squeeze tightly.

Not too tight to kill her, but tight enough to warn her not to do anything. Shifting slightly I look behind me at the barrier I created. That male knight has been screaming and hitting the wall trying to get out. I decide that this is the perfect time to release him. My right-hand swings behind me and the barrier melts right back into the ground.

The male knight was in mid-swing, trying to but the barrier, when the barrier went down. Since the barrier was gone by the time he finished his move, he stumbled and almost fell to the ground.

"This is truly pathetic," I snickered as I watched the male knight. He began looking around, trying to regain his bearings. When his gaze landed on us he became stiff and rigid. He was assessing the situation; I was on top of his companion and choking her.

Now that I had his attention, I no longer needed this female knight. I turned away from the male knight and looked at the knight under me.

"This was boring. I had hoped you would be more entertaining since you were sent after us. Oh well, I hope he is more entertaining than you were," I said in a bored tone.

I had spoken loud enough for the male knight to hear, and before I had finished my sentence he started sprinting towards us. He was about fifteen feet away, which gave me plenty of time to kill her. But I wanted him to think he has a chance to save her and kill me.

In a lower tone, I whispered, "I'm going to enjoy killing you. I think I might even wear your blood all over my face." I paused before adding, "Nevermind, you're too weak!" She started crying as I laughed. I then took my left hand from her neck and, with added fire magic, plunged my hand into her chest through her armor and ripped her heart out.

She screamed while my and was in her chest and was silenced immediately once her heart was removed. All I could hear was a heartbreaking wail from the male knight behind me.

He was three feet from me when I stood up and turned around. I held up her heart in the air. "I think this belongs to you," I said as I threw her heart at him.

Not expecting me to throw it, he doesn't dodge and gets hit in the face.

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