Chapter 41

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Nico POV

Walking through the streets of the festival overloaded my senses. There were so many smiling faces and bright decorations everywhere and the people were super friendly. They reminded me of the people from my town. Thinking of my town makes me feel a little homesick. But then I remembered what I'm here for and the dream I had of the Princess, and I know I'm where I need to be. After my resolution has been made clear, I stand straighter, smile, and survey the area.

Prince Jacobe told us we can relax at the festival and find things that interest us. Even though we are supposed to be relaxing, Grant, Nancee, and I have been checking our surroundings the entire time. I've noticed some of the palace knights discretely following to ensure we are safe, but I cannot allow another kingdom's knight protect my Prince and Princess. I know Grant and Nancee feels the same.

The only one who seems relaxed is Emily. She was given the opportunity to stay at the palace and relax, but she choose to come with us. Emily has a wheeled carrier for Princess Elnora, Which made her job a lot easier. I bet her arms are happy for the break of carrying a baby everywhere.

While we were walking I spotted a booth that advertised medical training. When I saw it I stopped in my tracks and stared. Just as I started walking again Prince Jacobe spoke to me.

"If that's where you want to go, then go. I know you had taken an interest in medicine while we were in the caravan. It will be good to learn more and get a better understanding on the things you did learn."

"I can do that another time. I must stay with you and make sure you are safe." I rebutted.

"Nico. I want you to go and learn all that you can about medicine. I'm sure you noticed that we have more than five knights following us. It will be fine if you leave for a shorth while. As you know, our group didn't have anyone with medical knowledge. So you are helping me and our group. I had hoped I wouldn't need to tell you this and that you would have known it already, but the speed at which you learned medicine made it clear that medicine is the right path for you." Prince Jacobe said and I became devested. Was he telling me that I can't be his knight anymore? My face fell and Prince Jacobe frowned as well them spoke again.

"It appears you misunderstood what I was telling you. I'm not saying you are no longer a member of my Personal Guard, just that you will be a medic as well. Did you think there were no medic knights? Every group needs at least one person with medical knowledge, and its better if that person is a knight as well, because a doctor without combat skills is a huge liability. I need to know you will be able to take care of yourself and us when the time comes. Emily knows a little first-aid, but we need a true medic. If you don't want to be that, then I'm sure King Caster can provide us with  medic." He finished and immediately I began protesting.

"No!" I shouted a little too loud as passerby's began looking at us. In a lowered tone I continued, "No, that won't be necessary. I want to be the head medic, so I will do my best to learn everything I can. And you better believe I will be the best doctor you will ever meet." I said as I stood tall,

"I know. And I'm happy you know it know too. So go learn and become the best you can be." He said as he smiled at me. 

I nodded my head and turned so he didn't see the tears forming in my eyes. Taking a deep breath, I walked toward the medical booth with the biggest smile on my face. Time for my real journey to begin.

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