Chapter 6

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Emily POV

"Keep going straight. Don't stop unless you sense danger!" Jacobe shouted as he drew his sword.

Feeling scared, I made Colbolt run even faster. The jolt made Princess Elnora wake up, but she did not cry.

"Do not be afraid Princess. Your older brother will keep us safe. We just need to get out of his way." I said.

Then suddenly I felt a chill go down my back and I turned to look behind me. I saw 3 horsemen gaining on me. One of the horsemen aimed a bow and arrow at me and fired. Immediately I turned colbolt to avoid the arrow but I was still scratched.

Fearing for mine and Princess Elnora's life, I hunched over toprotect her and urged Colbolt to rum his fastest. Unfortunately, the archer was faster and shot an arrow I'm my arm.

"AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" I screamed. The pain was unbearable,  it felt like my entire arm was burning. I wanted to let my arm hang lame, but I knew, that should I slow or stop we would both be dead. I needed to at least last until Prince Jacobe arrived.

After my scream, Prince's Elnora started crying from fright. I wanted to console her, but I needed to focus on protecting her. I made Colbolt zigzag through the trees so we were not going straight enough to get shot at.

As if sensing the danger, Colbolt neighed aggressively and shook his head. He was breathing hard from riding hard and I was panting from the pain.

"Where are you, Prince Jacobe?" I whispered.

Just then Colbolt lost his footing and staggered. As a result he slowed. Looking back to see how close the horsemen were I was shocked to see their horses stagger as well. What surprised me the most was Prince Jacobe!

He was riding hard and fast. His eyes were glowing red and green. Just seeing Ptince Jacobe made me relaxed. That's when the pain and dizziness really hit me. Letting Colbolt take the lead, I focused on staying upright on him.

I looked down at Princess Elnora to see if she had any injuries. Not seeing any wounds, I let out a sigh of relief.

I dared to look back to see was was happening and I saw Prince Jacobe fighting 2 horsemen. The third horsemen (the archer) lay dead on the ground and their horse was running away.

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