Chapter 25

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Unknown POV

Me and my men have been slashing away at these soldiers, trying to make our way to the center of the attack. If we hadn't gotten off our horses when we first attacked, we would have been able to ride straight to the center. However, our horses may have been attacked as well, and they are not war horses so they would get spooked easily.

Nevertheless, my men and I have slowly been getting closer. What nearly stopped us in our tracks were the archers hidden among the trees. However, their aim wasn't that great and they shot their own men. I didn't come out unscathed, an arrow grazed my forhead, right above my eyes. Luckily it was a light scratch, or else I'd be blinded by my own blood. As it was, I only had to wipe the blood out my eye once and I was fine.

"This is taking too long. We need to spread out to give ourselves a little more room. Once that space is created, we have to maintain it. That will help us push forward faster. We are almost to the center, I can see a lone man fighting. We need to assist him before he falls." I told my men.

Immediately they created a circle. I was at the head leading the way and they were defending my back. In that formation, we were able to move faster as I stated. We were able to cut down anyone who got in our way. Before long we made it to the center. The soldier that was on the defense almost attacked me. The only reason he didn't is because I killed someone who was about to kill him. He looked to the man I just killed the back to me. It was a quick look but I could tell he was comparing me to his attackers.

"Thanks," he said gruffly, before fighting again. This time I fought along side him. He looked wearied and injured but he didn't waver and he had the strength of a trained soldier.

"Are you alone?" I asked as he plunged one of his daggers in an eye.

He spared me another glance before landing killing blows to three people. I was impressed. He is a better fighter than my men.

"No, my master is on the other side of this carriage alongside my fellow guardsmen. We were ambushed while trying to go to Arocall. The sign was knocked down so we didn't know which way to go." The man said while dispatching four more enemies. He moves were graceful and effortless, letting me know he was trained for combat.

I looked at my companion that was closest to me, Mark, and said, "Go help the others over there. Quickly." He nodded his head once then ran to the wall behind us and began climbing. Mark scaled the wall pretty fast and stopped briefly looking at his feet before jumping off to the other side.

What was he looking at? I wondered as I continued fighting. By now, we have killed more than half of the soldiers, so it was more manageable with the three of us.


Jacobe POV

I was having fun. Not as much fun as the hunters that attacked me before, but I was still having fun. By this point I barely used my weapon. I was breaking necks and ripping hearts out laughing the whole time I did it.

Our attackers were scared to come to me, so they mainly attacked Nancee. Which was fine by me, she would have to prove herself worthy of traveling with me. Killing and surviving wasn't an option. For the most part I was watching Nancee fight, and let's just say she isn't the most skilled fighter.

I can't count how many count she almost caught me laughing at her. She had the pleading look in her eye, pathetic. Eight as I was going to help her someone was stupid enough to run towards me with their sword raised. Not wasting a second, I raised my hand to him and shot a fire ball at him. When he saw the fire ball flying towards him he tried to run, however, once I shoot the target is locked.

Hearing him scream once he realized the fireball was chasing him almost had me doubled over from laughing. I had to pull it together, I'm going to save Nancee and kill the rest of these weakling. Just as I made up my mind, I felt a presence behind me. I turn to see someone jumping off the wall I made and run straight to the enemy. Preparing to attack him I stop as he kills three people who surrounds him.

"Who are you and what is your purpose here?" I ask while pulling some people away from Nancee. The soldiers I pulled away stared at me shocked, not knowing if they should attack or run away. Their hesitation gives me enough time to form spears made of earth and shoot them.

Watching them as their lifeless body falls to the ground give me a joy I cannot explain. I wish I could do this forever.

"My name is Mark, and my master sent me to help you out. My master is on the other side helping your servant." Mark said without looking at me.

"There's no need. I'm about to end this now," I said. I close my eyes and focus.

Normally, I wouldn't close my eyes in a battle, but these men are so weak they couldn't kill me if I was asleep. While I was focused I poured some magic in the ground. Doing that allowed me to sense everything. I could sense three men on the other side of the wall fighting a group of people and I could sense Nancee and Mark fighting as well. Knowing archers were still around, I poured more magic into the ground to expand my perimeter. I had to put a lot of magic to be able to sense the archers on my side as well as the other side. Finally, I was able to sense everyone.

After I was able to sense everyone I observed their movements to determine the best time to strike. During this time I sensed some movementdeep in the woods. Some of the archers were about to shoot.




Pain shot through my arms and torso as arrows hit me. No matter the pain I felt, I had to stay still. I honed my focus some more to make sure I knew everyone's position. Once I was certain I would hurt my allies, I took a deep breath and released it. During my release, spikes shot through the ground and hit the attackers. I took an even deeper breath and released it again. This time at my release bigger spikes shot at the attackers. Some pikes were so big they cut their targets in half. Not sensing any more hostile energy I stopped my magic and opened my eyes.


By the audible Gasp, I could tell my eyes were glowing after using my magic. Needing to see who Mark's master is, I walk around to the other side of the wall. There I see Grant and two other men examining the corpses.

" Thank you for coming to our aid. Excuse my bluntness, but who are you?" I say, startling all three of them.

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