Chapter 39

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Jacobe POV

We spent a good portion of the day in the meeting room, taking breaks to take care of Elnora. King Caster offered to have a maid take care of her, but as I don't know his staff yet, I didn't feel comfortable giving her to them. Since he traveled with us, he knew how I prioritized her safety so he didn't take offense.

After Elnora was taken care of we entered the meeting room and found snacks and drinks had been laid out for us. I looked to King Caster with a question in my eyes.

"I can't go long periods of time without eating something." He said while chuckling and proceeded to eat a small sand which. I noticed he also had an assortment of cakes, cheese, crackers, and meats around him. Grant, Nico, and Nancee all had a plate and were eating. The only people who weren't eating were the kings councilmen, they all were conversing with each other about the contents of the meeting. Some of them, however, had glasses of wine and were drinking them. 

I told Emily to sit and eat up as well and I took Elnora from her. Since I didn't have much of an appetite, I just grabbed a glass of wine and sat in my seat. Since the meeting was still in an intersession I turned to Grant and started talking.

"What do you think about everything?" I asked in a slightly hushed tone. He thought for a moment then answered.

"Honestly, King Caster is being very accommodating. He's found you a good area to live that still in a very protected area. He will also be providing you with a full staff and money. I know the Queen gave you some money, but who knows how long it will last. Also, it is foreign currency and is a good way to get you tracked." He said

"Also, he granted us permission to stay and train with their  guard if we wanted to." Nico chimed in.

"Yes, about that. I need you al to think long and hard about staying. You did what I requested. She is safe and protected so you no longer have an obligation to stay with us. You all have families back home I know you are worried about." I said and they all looked at me.

"Yes, but..." Nancee started.

"If you're worried about the travel, I'm sure King caster already has a way for you to get home safely. However, if you are worried about revealing information about our location or ever meeting us, I am able to alter your memory. I don't want you to feel guilty of leaving so as of this moment I am relieving all of you from duty. That includes you too Emily." I stop and look at her so she knows I'm serious. Facing her fully I continue.

"I know my mother asked you to stay with us and make sure we are safe. Well we are. We have made it to the country of mother's friend safely. You all have risked your life to keep us safe and have suffered injuries. You deserve to live your life happy and away from trouble. You made the biggest sacrifice to accompany us. I know mother was your good friend. She told me so many stories of you when you were younger and she would be happy with what you accomplished and would want you to be happy. King Caster has offered to get a nursemaid for Elnora and you will be able to live her in Yaradel with no troubles. Just... I want everyone to take their time and think about what's best for them." I finished looking them all in the eye.

It was only then I noticed the whole room as quiet and focused on our group. I ignored them and said to my group, "I'm not expecting an answer today. Let me know..."

"Oh my goddess, why are you so stupid?!" Grant shouted at me shocking everyone in the room but King Casteer, who smiled at his outburst.

"Do you not remember who I am? I am your BEST FRIEND, Guardian Knight, and Protector in training. Do you honestly think that I'm going to leave you alone? You can't honestly think that. I took an oath to protect my Queen at all costs. I know that as long as I am protecting her I am not abandoning my family or country. You can try make me leave but I'll be here training in the day and patrolling your resident at night." Grant shouted angrily. 

I was taken aback at his outburst and reaction. He was saying some things I hadn't taken into account.

"You're right. But I'm only thinking of all of your safety. I..." I started but was cut off by Nico.

"You don't have to worry about us, Prince Jacobe. We're trained knights. You told us of the dangers before we started and we all agreed to protect you and the princess. None of us are leaving you alone in a different country. I'm sure King Caster will provide adequate protection, but they will not be able to protect you like we can." He said with a scowl.

I looked to my group and they all nodded their heads in agreement.

"What about your families?" I asked, giving them one more chance to leave.

"Stop trying to get rid of us!" Nancee shrieked. "Our families will be safer if we didn't go back. They don't know where we were going, what we were doing, or how long it will take. They have been told numerous times to prepare for us to never return. So they will be safe if they think we died, and we dont have to worry about them. We are staying. If you don't want us in the same house with you then we will work something out with King Caster to stay with the other knights. Either way, we will be here. It's up to you if you let us do our job or if we have to sneak and do it. Its no problem for me either way, but I would rather be by your side."

"I think it's time you came to your decision, Prince Jacobe. Are the going to be apart of your visible guard, or do I have to instruct my men to allow them to behave like stalkers?" King Caster asked with an amused smile.

I took my time to look at my group and stopped once more in Emily.

"I'm assuming you agree with them?" I asked. She simple smiled and nodded. I released a sigh and turned my attention back to the King.

"I will be keeping everyone that has joined me. The shall keep their original jobs, but I do ask that you allow my knights to train with your men. They received the basic training but other than Grant, none of them received training for battle or protection. I ask that Emily be able to work alongside a maid or nursemaid of your choosing. Emily isn't a nursemaid so we had to feed Elnora with bottles, I would appreciate it if you could send a nursemaid over." I said looking Kind Caster in the eyes.

"All of those things are reasonable and easy to accommodate. Did we cover everything?" He asks me.

"No, I saved these requests for last so we can discuss them for longer if necessary." I paused, thinking of a way to say what I need without causing a stir.

"In Liquidora the royal males are not taught how to rule. Our main focus is protection of the Queen and future queen. Which leads me to my request: Please allow me to learn what it takes to rule and when Elnora gets older, please teach her in more depth. She is the future of our country and she need to know how so our country will not be destroyed. I can teach her our history but I want her to know the history of this country and everything else so she will need a tutor." I finished.

Immediately King Caster's counselors began an uproar.

"No way would His Majesty allow such thing!" A middle aged black man shouted, appalled that I even asked.

"How sad to see a Foreign Royal begging for education. They are supposed to receive better education than everybody else!" An old man with drooping eyes commented smugly.

"What a pity that the men of the Royal Family received such substandard education. It's a wonder the country lasted as long as it did!" A fat older white man with the middle of his head bald sneered.

Up until then I was keeping my composure but when that man spoke, he awoken the rage in me.

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