He Saved Me - Steven Grant

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Pairing: Steven Grant x Reader


The car shook every so often while it drove through the open desert. Uncertainty came with the dark depths of the sand, the feeling seeping in through the car doors. 

Y/n sat alone with a man she's only met two days ago. Yes she knew his body, his fance, his smile... but those weren't her husband's eyes. This person's eyes were dark and mysterious, they held a regretful past. Her husband's eyes were warm and held love in them, the eyes that made her fall in love every time she looked at them.

"Steven is telling me to give the body back." The man, Marc Spector, said plainly, "He wants to make sure you're not hurt."

"He should know I'm fine, I've been in situations like that before." Y/n responded.

Marc stared at her for a moment before asking, "What do you mean?"

"The past was not kind to me... I've fought off men twice my size with weapons that were designed to kill gods." She kept her eyes on the road, never once looking at the man next to her, "What about you? That suit looks pretty badass, you're fighting skills aren't too horrible either."

"Marc just give me the body, I need to talk to her." Steven said to Marc through the reflection of the window, but Marc just ignored him.

"I don't think we have enough time to get through my past,. Plus, I'd rather know how someone like you met Steven." Marc pointed at Y/n then his reflection, "I mean you're someone who was trained like an assassin and he's some guy that worked at a gift shop."

"Hey, he's not just "some guy". He's my husband and I love him more than anything else in this world." Y/n stopped the car and looked at Marc, "Not only that, he saved me. That might sound cliche but it's true. Without him I probably would still be on a killing spree with the Avengers after me. Hell, the reason I met him was because I was looking for this "vigilante that was based off of the moon"... so, you."

"...What?" The man stared at her in disbelief.

"I was sent to kill you but instead I met the love of my life, one of your alters." She continued, "He helped me escape the parts of my mind that were keeping me hostage, he taught me how to love and I don't think I could ever repay him for that."

"Yeah... yeah, I get that."

Many minutes of silence passed while Y/n kept driving.

"Love?" Steven asked after Marc gave him the body.

"Steven?" Y/n pulled over again.

"Yeah, it's me love. I'm back." He gave his wife a kiss.

She grabbed Steven's hand and they held their foreheads together, "I missed you so much... It was like I could see you but it wasn't really you. It wasn't your eyes."

"Is it true what you said? About that being the reason why we met?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry for never telling you... I thought you would hate me."

"I could never hate you."

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