Where Have You Been? - Marc Spector

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Pairing: Marc Spector x Reader

Quick explanation: Marc's wife thought he died 2 years ago when he went missing all of a sudden but then came across him while taking their two children to the British Museum.


"No, no, no... Ezria. Will you please come here darling? And don't touch anything! We don't want it to break." Y/n explained to her 9 year old daughter.

She decided to take her two children to the museum as a family trip for the day to get them out of the house. Plus, her daughter, Ezria, was really into Ancient Egypt at the moment and there was a huge Egyptian exhibit at the museum.

"Sorry mom..." The young girl replied.

"Mama! Up!" Milo, Y/n's 3 year old son, made grabby hands at his mother.

"Milo... you just asked to be put down." The tired woman picked her son up.

As the trio walked further into the museum, they saw a man talking to a girl that looked to be around Ezria's age.

"Well that wouldn't make sense cause I'm not dead, am I?" The man told the child.

The girl walked away and the man turned around, Y/n could have sworn her soul left her body for a moment as she made eye contact with the man.

"...Marc?" She asked in a whisper. 

"Hm? Oh I'm sorry, I think you have the wrong guy here..." The man nervously laughed never taking his eyes off of the woman in front of him.

"Where have you been?" Y/n asked, her eyes starting to get watery.

"I-I don't know what you..." The man started but then drew out.

You could tell his eyes changed, what before were confused and kind were now dark.

"Baby..." The man walked closer, it was her husband... she knew.

Y/n set Milo down and gave Marc a crushing hug while she quietly cried into his shoulder.

"I missed you so much..." She cried.

"I know, I'm here now." Marc kissed his wife's head and continued to hug her.

"...Dad?" A small voice that belonged to their daughter asked while holding her younger brothers hand.

Marc and Y/n let go of their hug but his hand remained on Y/n's lower back.

"I-it's your dad Ria, he's back." As soon as Y/n explained that, Ezria ran and gave her dad a hug.

Before he disappeared, Ezria and Marc had an inseperable bond. It absolutely broke her when she found out he went missing. 

"You've grown so much Princess..." Marc laughed as he continued giving his daughter a hug, you could see the tears in his eyes at this point.

All that was left was Milo. He was only 1 when his father went missing, he'd have no recollection of him.

"Mama?" Milo asked, unsure as he walked over to his mom and hugged her leg.

"Hey, it's alright Milo... it's your dad." Y/n explained as she crouched down to his level, "Remember those pictures I've shown you?"

Milo nodded and mumbled a yes.

"You don't have to be scared of him, he loves you very much... Why don't you give him a hug?" Y/n asked her son softly. Milo walked over and gave his dad a hug.

"You've gotten much bigger since I last saw you... You were a little baby then." Marc laughed as they seperated.


Eventually, the four of them went home and Marc explained everything to Y/n while the children where downstairs playing.

"Can I maybe meet Steven?" Y/n asked softly.

"Well he has seen all of this through the mirrors so he shouldn't be too scared and confused." Marc explained, "Alright Steven, you're in..."

Marc let Steven front while he watched from the mirrors to make sure nothing when horribly wrong. After all, he did just get his wife and children back after 2 years.

"Steven?" Y/n asked the man quietly.

"Uh yeah... hi" Steven awkwardly waved at the woman across from him.

"Hi," She smiled kindly, "how are you, Steven?"

"Um, a little confused at the moment... a lot to take in ya know." Steven laughed nervously, "One of my alters had a wife and kids and just forgot to mention it to me... it's all fine."

"Yeah, it might be a little overwhelming, I'm sorry about that. Is there anything I can do to help?" She asked.

"I don't think so..." Steven shrugged.

"Would you like to meet the kids?" Y/n smiled.

"Sure." Steven smiled back.

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