Everybody Wants To Be My Enemy - Steven Grant

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Hi loves! This is the second part to "Woah" that Lxvenderwrites asked to write... I personally loved the idea and this is what they came up with!


*Hi guys! So i'm Lavender, and I wrote the second part to woah because i felt very inspired today :D*

*This is roughly based on the 4 episode, i'm going off what the last part was*


"Good. Now, are you three coming? Or am I going alone?" Y/n asked, floating a little higher in the air.

"Y-yea. We- were coming." Steven muttered, his face heating up once again.

"Awkward fellow you are." Y/n shook her head. Butterflies fluttered about in her own stomach. Y/n didn't really know what love was, most of her relationships were arranged because of the whole goddess thing.

Marc was laughing his ass off and Steven was redder than red, staring at his feet. Today was going to be entertaining for sure.


"Yes recently- guys, would you STOP bickering! I'm TRYING to have a conversation here!" Layla hissed, flailing her arms for emphasis. For the past 30 minutes, Steve and Marc had been arguing about who was prettier, Y/n or Aphrodites, while the two girls chatted about life. "By the way, it's obviously you." She pointed out.

"Why thank you. I tend to get that a lo...." Y/n trailed off, everyone stopping in their tracks. "Harrow.... Everyone, back up...."

"Ah! Miss Y/l/n! Goddess of the moon and stars, you look stunning by the way...oh and you two." Harrow glanced at Steven and Layla, an unintentionally disgusted look forming on his face by the end of his sentence. "I was just passing by...afternoon walk!"

"You're just so hilarious." Layla remarked.

"Why are you here again?" He questioned.

"To kill you." Y/n replied bluntly, tightening her ponytail and summoning her lavender staff, magic gathering around her (Sort of like Wandas).

Steven stood on Y/n's left side, Layla on her right, and Marc death-staring in the mirror a few yards away "If you do so much as to lay a finger on her-"

"Look, I don't want to be enemies,so if Miss. Y/l/n would come with me-"


"We don't have to do this the hard way." Harrow smiled, "Although, I figure it's the only way she will get to come with us."

There was a gunshot.

Then two.

Everything went blurry for Y/n as Steven fell to the ground. There was the faint chuckle from Harrow as his figure dissolved into the darkness.

"STEVEN!" Y/n yelled, collapsing to his side, throwing her staff to the ground. She felt grief, sadness, anger, and yet she had only known him for a few hours. What was going on?

"Don't go- we need you- let me-" Every part of her sentence was broken by sobs.

"I'll be ok.." He whispered, tears falling down his own cheeks "I wish I would have gotten to know you more...you seem like such a lovely..." Steven trailed off, gripping Y/n's hand for the last time.

Layla knelt to Y/n's side as Stevens' eyes fluttered shut.

Y/n lt out one of the most heartbreaking sobs you would ever hear. It was angry, upset and grief stricken. Layla engulfed her new-found friend in a comforting hug.

"I'm going to kill Harrow," Y/n stood, wiping tears off her face.

"At whatever that cost may be, whether it be my life or not, I will"

Everybody wants to be my enemy

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