Oh, They're Perfect... - Steven Grant

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Pairing: Steven Grant x Reader

Requested by: dedicatedfanperson

Description: This will be a part 3 to "I'm Gonna Be A Dad?". This part will have Y/n giving birth/in labor and Steven's reactions to it.


"Oh my god." It's been around 9 months since Y/n found out she was pregnant... she's definitely not staying pregnant for long, "Oh god... the twins are coming.... Steven!"

Oh yeah, they also found out that she's pregnant with twins, one boy and one girl.

"Yes my darling?" Steven yelled back from the living room.

"The twins are coming! Now!" She yelled from the bedroom.

"Oh shit." He ran up the stairs, "Don't worry love, we've got the hospital bag right here and everything is ready to go!"

"Ok ok... let me put some makeup on and change..." She walked to the bathroom.

"My darling is there really enough time for this?" Steven asked worried.

"Yes my love, it's fine..." Y/n said as she put on makeup.


They had finally got to hospital and lets just say that Y/n was in a lot of pain now...

"Are you ok love?" Steven asked very concerned.

"Does it look like I'm ok Steven?" She asked back through gritted teeth.

"Well no, I suppose not..." He replied as Y/n groaned in pain.

"Looks like it's time to start pushing!" The doctor exclaimed, "Ok, 1... 2... 3..."

Y/n yelled in pain and grabbed Stevens handed so tight her knuckles we white.

"You're doing great my darling! Keep going!" Steven encouraged.

Eventually, both the twins had been born. Y/n got to hold them both before they had to be taken back for testing and some blood work just to make sure they were healthy.

"You did so good my love, I'm so proud of you." Steven gave Y/n a kiss.

"Thank you darling, I can't wait until we get to see them again..." Y/n replied.

About 20 minutes later and a nurse brought back the twins... they handed one to Y/n and the other to Steven.

"Oh hello there..." Steven cooed.

"Hi..." Y/n smiled.

Neither of them could take their eyes off of the babies

"We'll come back in 30 minutes to check up and then we can finish their birth certificates then." The nurse explained with a smile then left the room, closing the door to give the family some privacy.

"Oh, they're perfect..." He said softly.

"We did a good job my darling." Y/n kissed her husband.

"That we did... what should their names be?" Steven asked.

"I'm not sure... what do you think?" She asked back.

"We can decide together."

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