Nice To Meet Ya Hun - Seven/Marc/Jake

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hi darlings! yes... we are puting jake in here today. i know, i know, i said that i probably wouldn't do him, but he has potential, ok? i thought it would add a little bit of spice *wink wink*. oh and btw, they aren't in steven's flat here, this is an actual house... imagine it however you want love! ok... here we go!

Pairing: Steven / Marc / Jake x Reader

Description: Y/n has been married to Steven for 5 years... of course with the discovery that he has DID, she's met Marc. Now Steven, Marc, and Y/n have all come up with an agreement that Marc and Y/n can also have romantic relationships. But, there is one alter that has yet to show himself to the three...


"I'm home!" Y/n yelled into the house as she walked through the front door, "Steven? Marc? Either one of you here?"

"Who are you?" Marc... no, this wasn't Marc, and it for sure wasn't Steven.

Neither one of them has a New York accent... and this person's eyes were so much darker than Steven's or even Marc's.

"Steven's wife... Marc's girlfriend..." Y/n explained to the man, "Are you a new alter? Or..."

"Oh so you're that babe their always talkin' about?" He realized.

"Ye- I mean I guess... What's your name?" The woman asked.

"Jake Lockley... nice to meet ya hun." The man- Jake, replied.

"Uh... here let me go put away my work things then we can talk more?" Y/n asked.

"Sure thing hun." Jake plopped down on the couch in the living room.

A few minutes passed by and Y/n came back into the living room with lounge clothes on and her work items put away. 

"So..." She sat on the couch, "How long have you been in the system with Marc and Steven?" 

"I'd say about 13 years... they still have no idea about me." Jake chuckled slightly.

"Really? I thought that maybe they'd kept you a secret or something... you'd think I'd known since I've been married to Steven for 5 years." She remarked.

"5 years!?" Jake exclaimed, "How you gonna keep a relationship around for 5 years hun?"

"Well- I don't know... we love each other very much." She explained.

"I mean any guy would be lucky to have ya... look at yourself. Smokin'" He mumbled the last part.

"What was that?" She asked... totally hearing what he said.

"Nothin'" He pushed it aside.

"What is your part in the system?" Y/n asked curiously.

"I dunno... I guess I just hold all the trauma or something like that." Jake said carelessly, "Ok but seriously... how did that Steven guy get a babe like you?"

Y/n laughed, "Like I said before... we just fell in love."

"That's the most cliche shit I've ever heard." He said plainly.

"Hey!" Steven yelled through the mirror, offended.

"Well hun... I think you're babe knows about me." Jake laughed at Steven in the mirror.

"Steven?" Y/n asked, "Can he hear me?"

"Yeah, we can always hear the stuff happening outside." Jake explained.

"Oh... well, hi darling!" Y/n waved to the mirror that Jake was laughing at, saying hi to Steven.

"He said hi back." Jake told her, "And now he's telling me to give him to body back because he wants to talk to you... Alright alright! Jesus, fine I'll give you the body back... little british boy."

Y/n laughed at the last part, "Well then I'll see you later Jake."

"You too toots." Jake said before you could see the shift in his eyes, then you knew it was Steven fronting.

"Hi my love!" Steven said before giving his wife a bone crushing hug.

"Hi my darling!" Y/n returned, "I assume you know about Jake?"

"Yeah... Marc said they met earlier in the day but he didn't want to tell me for some reason..." Steven thought.

"I can just ask him later if you want?" Y/n offered.

"Ok love." Steven agreed.

"That is one hot babe... she's smokin'." Jake said through the mirror, now of course Y/n couldn't hear any of this, but Steven and Marc could... Marc standing right next to Jake in the mirror.

"Watch your mouth... that's my wife you're talking about." Steven said through the mirror.

"What'd he say?" Y/n asked curiously.

"He said you were "a smokin' hot babe" or something like that." Steven said bitterly.

"Is he wrong though..." Marc mumbled.


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