You Are Our Only Hope Pt.4 - Steven Grant/Marc Spector/Jake Lockley

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Pairing: Steven / Marc / Jake x Reader

Description: Y/n is the avatar of Artemis and has been for 8 years now. She has grown a good connection with the goddess and they have a good relationship, which is... odd to say the least for an avatar and their god. Since Y/n's time being an avatar, she's gained some of the same mindsets, personality traits, and skill sets as Artemis that seem to come in handy quite a bit. Artemis had asked Y/n to go to London, apparently there was another avatar there, one to an Egyptian god. Steven Grant and Marc Spector seem to have things under control for now, but... Y/n needs help with a little situation involving Zeus' avatar. He wants to kill all of the other avatars around the world and gain their power. 


"I'm so sorry... truly. I bet she is out there along with Rowan, as happy as can be." He smiled at her and put his hand on top of hers on the table.

"Thank you, Steven, really." Y/n moved her hand so they were holding hands now.

"Of course love." Steven responded, looking into her eyes.

"That's still my wife, Steven, watch it."


"Mi vida?" Jake asked after looking out the window, "Someone's outside."

"Who?" Y/n walked up to the peephole in the door to look out.

There was a man standing outside of the cottage, close to the dirt road. There seemed to be someone behind him too but it was too hard to make out.

It took her a second to register but Y/n finally whispered, "...Rowan... Jake that's Rowan!"

The couple opened the door and ran outside.

"Ah! There they are!" Rowan exclaimed with his arms out, "Come here love."

He reached to the person behind him and picked them up.

Y/n gasped with tears in her eyes, "Ainsley!"

"Oh, mi niña..." Jake whispered as his wife took her from Rowan, "I've missed you so much pequeña princesa."

"Mama! Papa!" Ainsley exclaimed with a wide grin as she wrapped her arms around her parent's necks.

"She's been safe this whole time, I never let anything happen to her." Rowan explained with a proud smile on his face.

"You mean we never let anything happen to her..." Hades and Persephone showed up, "It's nice to finally see you again Y/n."

"Hello Y/n." Persephone greeted, "And Jake."

"Thank you, all three of you." Y/n thanked as she handed Ainsley to Jake.

"Of course... but, I need to talk to you and your husband about something if you have a moment?" Persephone explained to Y/n.

"Yeah, yeah... how about we go inside, it's not the safest out here for the avatars anymore." Y/n said with a sad smile.

The group went inside the cottage and Y/n, Jake, and Persephone went to a seperate room to discuss a few things.

"As you two know, avatars are usually chosen at birth... well for the greek gods anyway." The goddess started, "We don't really start working with our avatars until they mature though. There is one thing I've noticed about Ainsley though... she's been able to see and interact with all of the gods which usually doesn't happen until a child is mature enough. I've been quite drawn to her actually so I was wondering if you would be alright with me choosing Ainsley as my avatar? Of course I would not start properly working with her until the time comes, but she is quite the unique child and I would love to get to know her now."

Jake and Y/n looked at each other and Y/n slightly nodded, "When I was around Ainsley's age, I was also seeing all of the gods.... That's when Artemis found me and a have a wonderful bond with her, so yes. We would be very pleased if you start having a connection with her now since that seemed to have worked very well for me, and some of my other family members as well."

"I promise I will keep her as safe as possible while you two are not able to." The goddess smiled with honesty, "You have a beautiful child, she will go very far in life."

"Yes, our pequeña princesa is a very special one..."


"Who's ready to kick some spoiled brat ass?" Rowan exclaimed as Jake, Y/n and him all walked to the location where Clayton was.

The trio was already suited up and almost to the spot where they found Clayton.

"Yes he is my little brother... but he was my least favorite sibling anyway. He was always such a little bitch growing up." Y/n rolled her eyes.

"I've never told you but... I've always hated him." Jake admitted to his wife.

"That was obvious, anytime he would into the room you would scoff and roll your eyes at him." Rowan laughed.

"Yeah, I'm surprised you haven't killed him yet." Y/n laughed softly.

"Well now I can."

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