Would You Like Dinner? - Layla Faouley

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Pairing: Layla Faouley x Reader

Short description: Y/n comes across her old friend and ex-girlfriend, Layla Faouley, when she is going to her apartment and asks her if she would like to come in for dinner.


"Yeah... ok, yup... ok Ma I'm almost home now... yeah, yes, I know. Ok, love you!" Y/n finally hung up after she had tried to end the phone call with her mother multiple times within the past 5 minutes while she was walking home from work. Her mom is, well... persistent.

"Talking to your mom again?" 

Layla Faouley.

"Layla?" Y/n asked in disbelief, "What are you doing here?"

"Well, I was originally here for work but them I found out you lived not to far away from where I was staying... I decided to come say hello." The woman explained.

Work. Her work.

The thing that drove them apart in the first place.

"What job do you have to do in New York?" Y/n pressed on.

See, Layla and Y/n both fell under the same job category. You work for whoever as long as you get paid... even if you have to kill someone. They originally didn't agree on a few... ok multiple jobs they were hired for together. Layla wanted to go one route when Y/n thought it was too dangerous or vise versa.

"I can't say too much but I'm getting paid to do some work on the Avengers, some rich guy wants information." Layla casually explained.

The Avengers... the people she works for.

"Right..." Y/n said awkwardly, "And how's Marc doing?"

"I'm not too sure, we just finished our divorce papers not too long ago, so..." She explained.

"Oh, I'm sorry... I thought you two worked so well together." 

"Yeah, it's fine, some things aren't meant to be I guess." Layla smiled sadly.

"Yeah..." Y/n nodded and rocked back and forth on her feet.

"What about you? What have you been up to?" She changed the subject.

No way is Y/n going to tell her ex that she is working as one of the Avengers trainers... the same ex that is currently on a job to get information on the Avengers, "Ya know... nothing much, the usual."

"How's work going?" Layla pushed on.

Oh she definitely knew something was up...

"It's alright... I guess." Y/n tried to save herself.

"Being the Avengers most trusted and longest trainer must be pretty boring at times, huh?" Layla said casually.

Y/n stood there in shock. How could she have found out so easily?

"Who- who did you say this rich guy you were on a job for was?" Y/n asked quietly.

"Oh, um, no one..." Layla said awkwardly, "I'm not here on a job... I just found out you lived over here and I really, really missed you so... I wanted to catch up?"

"Oh thank the gods..." Y/n mumbled, "I thought you were going to kill me or something... Not that I wouldn't have thanked you for that cause I am under a tremendous amount of stress right now, but..."

"You know I never forgot about you right?" Layla asked the flustered woman in front of her.

"Yea... Wait I- I'm sorry?" This made her even more flustered.

"We broke up 8 years ago yet... I can still never get you off of my mind." Layla confessed.

"Oh, um... Would you like dinner?" Y/n asked quickly, "Well, would you like to come inside my apartment for dinner... ya know so we can catch up a little more. In all honest, I missed you too."

"I was waiting for you to ask me that again."

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