You Are Our Only Hope Pt.3 - Steven Grant/Marc Spector/Jake Lockley

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Pairing: Steven / Marc / Jake x Reader

Description: Y/n is the avatar of Artemis and has been for 8 years now. She has grown a good connection with the goddess and they have a good relationship, which is... odd to say the least for an avatar and their god. Since Y/n's time being an avatar, she's gained some of the same mindsets, personality traits, and skill sets as Artemis that seem to come in handy quite a bit. Artemis had asked Y/n to go to London, apparently there was another avatar there, one to an Egyptian god. Steven Grant and Marc Spector seem to have things under control for now, but... Y/n needs help with a little situation involving Zeus' avatar. He wants to kill all of the other avatars around the world and gain their power. 


"Oh, I'm sure he won't hurt me." She smiled to herself.

"Finally..." Jake groaned blinking slowly, taking in his surroundings, "Hey hun."

Jake walked over to Y/n and hugged her from behind, putting his face in her neck.

"Hello my love."

"I've missed you..." Jake mumbled while giving her a small kiss on her shoulder.

"And so have I," Y/n turned around and put her arms around his neck, "Now... can you tell me why you didn't tell Marc or Steven about me? I had to act like I've never seen your body before, that was hard."

"I know, I know... I just didn't have the chance to tell them, we were too caught up in the Harrow and Ammit situation." He explained, finally giving her a proper kiss.

She deepened the kiss, putting her hands in his hair, "I've missed this... It's been a year since I've been with you like this."

"And now we can be like this forever..." He trailed on, kissing her neck.

"But we have work to do right now... and we really should tell Marc and Steven about us." Y/n told her lover.

Jake chuckled slightly, "Oh I think they've seen enough to tell that we've had a past, mi vida..."

"What do you mean?" She pulled his head away from her neck.

"Did you forget that there are reflections all around?... We don't just need mirrors to see mi amor."


"...So let me get this straight alright?" Steven stared at Y/n who was sitting across from him at the small table in the kitchen, "You and Jake have had an ongoing, very serious relationship, for 7 years?"

Y/n smiled softly, looking down at her cup of coffee, "Well considering that we've been married for the past 4 years, I'd say it's been pretty serious."

"Then how come Marc and I haven't seen you before?" He asked confused.

"Jake and I have had our ways..." She explained, "Have you noticed how all the mirrors are covered? Marc only started showing up through reflections the year before Jake left for London, and as far as I know, you never showed up."

"But wouldn't Marc and I have fronted? I mean this place looks pretty familiar to me..." Steven looked around the cottage.

"Well yes, you guys just dissociated so much you never realised that Jake existed." Y/n looked to the wall with a few pictures of the two of them, "I was quite surprised when neither you or Marc recognised me in the slightest."

"I mean you looked quite familiar to me... I just couldn't put my finger on it." Steven also started looking at the millions of pictures around the house, he then noticed a few with a child in them, "Who's that?"

She hesitated for a moment, "That's Ainsley... Jake and I had a child together, she would be 5 now."

"What happened to her?" Steven furrowed his brows.

"She went missing around the same time as one of my best friends, Rowan, we've just assumed that they were kidnapped." Y/n explained, "She had all of the gods watching her, she still out there somewhere."

"I'm so sorry... truly. I bet she is out there along with Rowan, as happy as can be." He smiled at her and put his hand on top of hers on the table.

"Thank you, Steven, really." Y/n moved her hand so they were holding hands now.

"Of course love." Steven responded, looking into her eyes.

"That's still my wife, Steven, watch it."

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