I'm Gonna Be A Dad? - Steven Grant

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Pairing: Steven Grant x Reader

Requested by: worldsbestfangirl

Description: Steven and Y/n had been married for about 4 years now. Both of them knew they wanted children together and expressed it in the beginning of their marriage. The thing was, neither of them thought they were quite ready yet... especially since they lived in a small flat. So, about a year ago, they had moved into a nicer house and decided to start trying for a baby. 


"Oh my god." Y/n looked at the pregnancy test, "I'm pregnant."

She erupted with joy when she saw that the test was positive. Both her and Steven had always wanted to have kids together... she was so excited to tell him.

About 3 hours passed and Steven finally came home from work.

"I'm home my darling!" Steven shouted into the house as he took his shoes off.

"Steven!" Y/n exclaimed, immediately hugging him.

"What's gotten you into such a good mood today?" He asked teasingly as they shared a kiss.

"Well I had just been thinking about the fact that I can't wait to have a family with you." She subtly hinted, knowing that he probably wouldn't get the memo yet.

"Oh, in that case... I think about that everyday my darling! And I just can't wait to have children with you!" He hugged her tighter, showering her in kisses.

She chuckled, "I love you so much, my love."

"And I you, my darling."


A week had passed.

Y/n had been waiting to tell him but just didn't know how. Until they went to the store together that weekend.

"Steven! Look at this, isn't it the cutest!" Y/n held up a baby onesie to her husband.

"It really is darling." Steven replied with a smile.

Y/n put the onesie in the cart without Steven realizing, hiding it from his view with the paper towels they were also buying.

After they had gotten home, Y/n made sure to be the one to carry the bag with the onesie in it. She didn't want Steven to see it yet.

They finally made their way into the house and Y/n told Steven to go sit on the couch in the living room because she had a surprise for him. Quickly, she ran upstairs to grab the three pregnancy tests she took and the onesie. 

She hid the items behind her back as she approached her husband, "Close your eyes love, it's a surprise!"

"Alright, alright..." He chuckled softly at her antics.

She positioned the onesie and pregnancy tests in front of him, still holding them in her hands.

"Ok... open your eyes..." Y/n said with happy smile.

"W-what's this?" Steven asked while grabbing one of the tests, "...You're pregnant?"

"Yeah..." She smiled as tears welled in her eyes.

"I'm gonna be a dad? You're gonna be a mom?" He asked again as reassurance.

"Yeah love... we're gonna be parents."

"Oh my god!" He jumped up and hugged her, lifting her off the ground a little.

They shared a long kiss, tears streaming down their faces.

"I love you so much Y/n Grant... I always will."

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