I Can't Wait Darling! - Steven Grant

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Pairing: Steven Grant x Reader

Requested by: dedicatedfanperson

 Description: This will be a part 2 to "I'm Gonna Be A Dad?". So basically, Y/n starts to show and this will just be Steven's reaction to it.


"Goodmorning my darling!" Steven exclaimed as Y/n walked into the kitchen, "How are you feeling on this fine morning?"

Ever since Y/n told Steven that she was pregnant, he's been very eager to do everything he could for her.

"I'm feeling quite fine, just a little tired still." She smiled at her husband.

"Well look at you! It's only been 3 and a half months and you can already see the little one!" He noted as he saw a small bump.

"Really!? I haven't noticed anything yet." Y/n got excited.

"Yeah! You can see the little bugger right there..." The pair laughed as Steven poked Y/n's bump.

"You're going to make an amazing dad, you know that right?" She asked Steven with a big smile on her face.

The two shared a kiss and Steven hugged his wife, "And you, my lovely wife, are going to make the best, most wonderful, mom."

"I love you so much..." Y/n said as she wrapped her arms around Steven's neck.

"I love you more..." He kissed her and they both slightly smiled into the kiss.


Y/n has been pregnant for about 5 months now, her baby bump has gotten much bigger than last month. She's starting to wonder if she's having twins!

"Darling?" Steven asked.

They were both sitting on the couch reading their books.

"Yes my love?" Y/n asked back.

"Do you think the baby is going to be a girl or a boy?" He wondered, looking up from his book to his wife.

"I'm not too sure... I don't care either way though, I will love them the same." She smiled at her husband, "I was actually starting to wonder if we were going to have twins! The baby bump is starting to get bigger than what I've seen for other people..."

"Twins!?" Steven exclaimed, "Oh that would be wonderful!"

"It really would, wouldn't it?" Y/n put a hand on her baby bump, "Oh."

"What is it? Is everything ok?" Steven sat up quickly.

"Give me your hand!" She grabbed Steven's hand and put it on the baby bump.

"Was... was that a kick?" He smiled with a small laugh, "You had me worried there little one, I thought something was wrong!"

"Oh, it's almost like a fluttery feeling!" She motioned with her hands as she smiled joyfully.

"I can't wait darling!" Steven shared a kiss with Y/n, "You are going to be the cutest little baby ever..."

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