More Than You Know - Steven Grant

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Pairing: Steven Grant x Reader

Requested by: worldsbestfangirl

Description: Steven and Y/n have been dating for about 8 months now and they are very much in love. Steven still tends to get a little shy around Y/n sometimes, but thats one of the things she loves about him. One night, Y/n and Steven were both in a comfortable silence reading some of their favorite books. She looked over at her boyfriend and felt like she just fell in love again. He looked so... pretty with his glasses and a very peaceful expression on his face. 


The slight pitter patter of the rain could be heard on the windows and roof while Y/n and Steven sat on the couch reading their favorite books. Steven was wearing his glasses that he absolutely hated on himself but had to wear them if he wanted to see anything while reading... Y/n thought they were very adorable though.

Y/n looked up from her book and noticed how beautiful Steven looked... the glow from the lamp sitting on the table next to him shone onto his face, making him glow. She slightly smiled at this as she admired her boyfriend.

"What is it love? H-have I got something on my face?" Steven asked as he noticed Y/n staring at him.

"No, not at all darling... you just look so pretty right now." She smiled, she felt as if she had fallen in love again.

"Well I think you're the pretty one here." He softly chuckled as he closed his book and put it on the coffee table in front of him, "No... I think you are ethereal looking. So, so beautiful. Everyone else comes as a second when it comes to your beauty..."

The pair shared a loving kiss, Y/n smiling into it. 

Yep... she definitely just fell in love with him again.

On the other hand, Steven just realized how much he wanted to marry the woman in front of him... he wanted to give her everything he possibly could. 

Steven moved Y/n to straddle him, giving them better access to kiss.

"I love you so much..." Y/n mumbled against his lips, eyes closed.

"I think I love you more..." Steven said back, smiling softly.

"Hmm.... That's impossible." She laughed slightly, leaning back to look into his eyes.

"I don't think so, no one can love someone as much as I love you my dear." He kissed her again.

A few moments passed of them admiring each other.

"You know... I love your glasses on you." Y/n adjusted Steven's glasses slightly.

"Really? I think they look stupid..." He chuckled softly.

"Stupid? No! They look adorable on you!" She reassured him, honestly.

They shared another few kisses and made more comments on how much they adore each other.

"It's getting kind of late... time for bed?" Y/n asked.

"Oh definitely, I'm tired." Steven replied.

After a few minutes, they were both ready for bed, turned off the lights, and got under the covers together. They started cuddling and Steven put Y/n's head on his chest, she could hear his heart thumping.

"I love you more than you know, my love." Steven mumbled to Y/n sleepily.

"And I, you, my darling."

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