I'm Steven Grant... With a V - Steven Grant

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Pairing: Steven Grant x Reader

Requested by: oliver-reed

Description: Y/n decided that it would be a good idea to take her little cousin out for a day of fun... now she was a little shocked when he said he wanted to go to the museum. She decided it would be a good bonding experience anyways, after being in the museum for about 20 minutes... Thomas, her cousin, decided to go off on his own... without telling Y/n. She finds him talking to a guy that works at the museum, originally thinking he was a tour guide by how he was explaining things to Thomas. She learns that his name is Steven Grant, a nice man working at the museum gift shop.


"...You want to go to the museum for our fun day?" Y/n asked her 10 year old cousin, Thomas.

"Yup!" He smiled happily.

"Ok," She shrugged, "Let's go."

"Yay!" Thomas jumped while Y/n chuckled at him


They had only been in the fucking museum for 20 minutes... how did she already lose him.

"Thomas?" Y/n asked worriedly as she looked around herself, "Oh shit..."

She walked around the museum for about 5 minutes, trying to find this kid... she went to the front just to see him talking to some guy. He looked to be tour guide by the way he was talking to Thomas.

"Tommy! You can't just run of like that, you're mom would kill me if she found out!" Y/n hurriedly walked over to her cousin.

"Sorry Y/n..." He apologized sheepishly.

"Hi." The man greeted the woman, starstruck.

"Hi..." She said back, equally in love.

"I'm Steven Grant... with a v, I was just telling this boy here about the field of reeds." He explained.

"Oh thank you, I'm Y/n L/n... sorry if my cousin was bothering you. He wanted to spend our "fun day" here since he's really into ancient egypt." Y/n said, looking into Steven's eyes.

"Yup! It's really cool!" Thomas exclaimed.

"Yes, I know bud... but please, for my sake, don't just run off without telling me where you're going." She grabbed her cousins shoulder, "Right... are you a tour guide here? You're really good at explaining this stuff."

"Uh... no." Steven laughed lightly, "I just work at the gift shop over there, my boss refuses to let me be a tour guide..."

"Oh well I'm sorry, I surly think you'd make a perfect one." Y/n complimented.

"What about you? Are you into history at all?"The man asked curiously.

"Yeah I actually am, I'm really into Ancient Greece as well as Norse mythology." She said passionalty, "Although I am into most types of mythology... I've actually been wanted to look into the Egyptian pantheon myself, I just haven't had much time to."

"I can recommend some stuff to you if you'd like?" Steven asked.

"Sure, that would be wonderful!" Y/n replied.

"Would you maybe want to talk about it over dinner?" He asked shyly, "We don't have to of course."

"I would love that, Steven." She smiled, "Tomorrow at 7 good?"

"Y-yeah... here let me give you my number." Steven pulled out a ben and paper form his bag he was still holding.

"Thanks... I'll catch you around Steven." Y/n said as she started walking away with her cousin that wanted to go get ice cream now.

"Ok, laters gators..." He mumbled with a slight blush on his face.

"Look at you... getting all the ladies." Marc chuckled through his reflection in the glass.

"Oh shush..." Steven said back quietly.


It was finally the next day, Y/n and Steven had texted each other and decided to go to this vegan restaurant that they both really liked. Y/n was thrilled, she really liked Steven... and it seemed like he liked her too.

Steven stopped at the local floral shop to get some flowers for her. It had tulips, babies breath, lavender, and some daisies in it... he thought it looked pretty, he just hoped she liked them.

On the other hand, Y/n dressed in her favorite outfit that was more on the formal side. She grabbed her bag and left the house for the short walk to the restaurant.

They both got to the restaurant around the same time, Steven getting there only a few minutes earlier.

The hostess lead Y/n to the table Steven was at and she sat down, "Hi! I hope you weren't waiting too long..."

"Hello! Nope, I actually got here like 3 minutes ago... I got these for you." Steven handed her the bouquet. 

"Oh it's beautiful! Thank you so much, these are actually some of my favorite flowers." She laughed as she set the bouquet down next to her at the table.

Eventually, they order and got their food, talking about various things through the time.

"Here's your check." The waiter said.

"here, I'll pay." Steven offered.

"Oh you don't have to, I can pay if you want." Y/n told him.

"No, I insist." He said as he paid for the food, "Would you like me to walk you home?"

"That would be wonderful, Steven." Y/n responded.

They gathered their things and left the restaurant, as they were walking back to Y/n's apartment, they continued to make small talk about different things.

"Did you know that the Egyptians used that stars to find their way?" Steven asked.

"No I didn't, that's really cool actually." Y/n said, looking up at the stars, "Oh! Here we are."

"I had a lot of fun tonight, Y/n." Steven said, admiring the woman before him.

"Me too... ya know, I think that was the best date I have ever been on." She explained.

"Really?" He asked shocked.

"Yup!" Y/n exclaimed.

"Does that mean... you would like to go on another one?" Steven asked curiously.

"I would be honored to..." She responded.

There was a long moment of silence. 

The pair just stared into each other's eyes, unknowingly leaning in closer to each other. Obviously, they were in love, even after one date.

"Can I kiss you?" Steven asked softly.


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