You're Cute, Ya Know - Steven Grant

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Pairing: Steven Grant x Reader

Requested by: worldsbestfangirl

Short description: Just a cute after smut fluff scene!


Steven laid on Y/n's chest after a long night, she smiled at him as he zoned out a bit.

"Whatcha thinkin' about, darling?" Y/n asked her boyfriend.

"Hm? Oh, just how much I love you and how lucky I am to be here right now." Steven replied, smiling.

Y/n laughed as she played with his curls a bit, "You're cute, ya know?"

"Mm, you're cuter though..." Steven lightly chuckled.

"I don't think so... you're as cute as they get." Y/n pecked his nose.

"Really? Cause I think I'm staring at the cutest thing on this planet right now..." Steven said looking into Y/n's eyes.

"You know what I think would be as cute as both of us?" She asked teasingly.

"What?" Steven asked, genuinely curious.

"A mini us!" Y/n exclaimed.

The both laughed and shared a kiss.

Steven nodded, "You are right, but I still don't think anything could beat you."

"Oh shush..." She laughed again.

A few moments passed as they both calmed down from their laughing spree. 

"I love your hair, it's so nice and looks adorable on you." Y/n mumbled while playing with his hair.

"Yeah? I was thinking about getting it cut a bit shorter?" Steven said, asking for his girlfriends opinion.

"No! I love it like this." She counteracted, still playing with his hair.

"Alright, alright!" He laughed at her, "What about me with a beard, huh? Would that be nice or not?"

"Hm... I'm not sure." She thought, "I guess you'll have to grow one out and see."

The pair started to get sleepy, Steven cause of Y/n playing with his hair.

"You tired love?" Y/n asked.

"Mm, yeah." He mumbled in response.

"You can go to sleep... it's not like I'll disappear or anything. "She laughed lightly.

That laugh... it was music to Steven's ears. Almost as if it could solve not only all of his problems, but the world's problems too. 

Slowly, Steven drifted off to sleep... holding on tight to the thing he loved the most, Y/n.

"I love you until our last breaths, Steven... never forget that." She whispered softly.

And she meant it... every word she said. She loved Steven Grant until her last breath, where he sat with her. 

He never wanted this time to ever come.. he believed it came too soon. He blamed it all on Marc, for bringing her into this whole situation. 

Steven got dragged into this mess with the love of his life... now he has to walk out of it without her.

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