Jelly Beans - Steven Grant

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Pairing: Steven Grant x Reader

Requested by: oliver-reed

Description: Steven and Y/n have worked together at the museum for about 6 months but have never once talked. He always sees her and thinks she is gorgeous but never has the guts to say anything. One day, Y/n gets a phone call then walks out of the museum in a quick rush looking worried... turns out her sister had died in the hospital. Y/n, after taking care of  her for months, is devastated. Steven and Y/n finally get to talking and and their friendship later turns into a life long relationship.


Steven sat behind the gift shop desk like any other day, admiring Y/n from afar. She had been a tour guide for about six months at the museum, but her and Steven have never once talked.

"Just go say hi to her after she finished this tour, quit being a pussy." Marc groaned out of frustration from the mirror.

Steven just sighed and rolled his eyes since it would be a bit awkward if he was caught talking to Marc out in public...

A few minutes later and Y/n's last tour had finally finished when she got a phone call.

"Yes, this is her." She talked into the phone, "...What? No- I... I'll be there in a few minutes..."

Tears had formed in her eyes as she rushed out of museum, which left Steven very confused.


Three days had passed without Y/n showing up for work. Steven had asked Donna if she knew anything about his coworker, she just said it was personal matters and to not ask again.

When Y/n walked into work, Steven saw that her face still had a upset expression on her face. Her once joyful and happy eyes were now depressed and empty.

Y/n had walked behind the front desk where she gets her list of tours for the day, Steven was standing next to her.

"Hey... You alright there?" Steven asked her.

"Uh yeah... I just had a loss is all." She explained quickly.

"Oh I'm so sorry, I hadn't realized." He apologized, genuinely feeling bad for the woman since she looked so upset.

"Yeah no, it's fine..." Y/n reassured.

"Do you maybe want to talk about it after our shifts are over?" Steven asked kindly.

"That would actually make me feel a lot better... yeah, I'll see you then." She smiled sadly as she walked to her first tour... A group of 2nd graders.

Great... they all reminded Y/n of her sister... the one who is now dead.


"Hey Steven..." Y/n walked up to him at the gift shop, "Could I just get these jelly beans?"

"Oh of course! Don't even worry about paying for it, cause I've got it." Steven handed her a pack of jelly beans.

"Are you sure? You really don't have to do that for me." She honestly felt bad for taking them.

"Yeah! It's just some jelly beans after all... let me check out of my shift then we can go to the park and talk?" He asked.

"Sure." Y/n responded.

Steven went back to meet Y/n in front of the museum as she had already started eating her jelly beans.

"Ready?" Steven asked politely.

"Yeah... want some?" She asked referring to the jelly beans.

"Sure." He responded as Y/n gave him some.

They started walking to the nearby park, making conversation along the way.

"You know, we've been working together for about 6 months... and today is the first day we've ever talked to each other?" Steven mentioned.

"Yeah... I've always wanted to say hi or something to you but I was just too nervous." Y/n laughed slightly.

"That was my problem too..." He also chuckled.

"That day I left work suddenly..." Y/n started, "I had just gotten a call that my sister had died in the hospital, I had been taking care of her since she was a baby since out parents both died in a car accident, a drunk driver hit them. She was only 5 when she was diagnosed with cancer... and she was 7 when she died. At least she's in a better place now, ya know? Gets to be with our parents..."

"I'm so sorry, I'm sure they're all keeping an eye on you... and so proud of you for being so brave." Steven comforted her softly.

"Yeah..." Tears started to pour out of her eyes slowly.

"Do you want a hug?" He asked carefully, not fully knowing if she wanted to be comforted by him.

"Yeah." She responded as they shared a long hug.

And as they hugged... neither one of them noticed that the half full bag of jelly beans had spilled onto the floor.

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