A Hug - Jake Lockley/Marc Spector

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Pairing: Jake Lockley  / Marc Spector x Reader

Description: Y/n and Marc had been married since they were 20... now they are 27, so they have been married for 7 years now. Because of this, Y/n of course knows about Steven. In fact Marc and Steven hadn't found out about each other until a year after Y/n and Marc got married. Marc, Steven, and Y/n all decided that it would be ok for Steven and Y/n to have romantic relationships, hence why they are dating. Now... all those years later, a new alter decided to show themselves.


"What are you doing Marc?" Y/n laughed at her husband.

Right now, Y/n walked into the kitchen of their house and saw Marc baking... or attempting to bake brownies.

"I was trying to make brownies for you, I think I messed something up though..." Marc explained, the brownies were still in the pan but out of the oven... they were definitely charred.

"Baby, I hate to break it to ya but I think you completely burned them." She laughed softly as she wrapped her arms around her husband's waist.

"Yeah... but I mean I tried." He shrugged.

"Well that just means we can make new ones together." She smiled brightly as she kissed his shoulder.

Marc went silent and stayed still for a while, his eyes occasionally blinking... something he often does when no one is completely fronting. Finally, someone fronted. But, their eyes didn't look like either Marc's or Steven's. They were much darker and colder.

Slowly, Y/n unwrapped her arms from around the body and backed away a bit... she didn't want to scare the alter.

"Where am I?" He said in a gravely New York accent... definitely a new alter, or at least one that hasn't fronted before.

"Hi... I'm Y/n." She introduced herself as they studied her, "I'm one of your alter's wife. Your at home, you don't need to worry about anything, you're safe."

He slowly looked around the room, taking it in.

"What's your name?" Y/n asked curiously.

"Jake Lockley... I've been out before but this ain't somewhere I've been before." Jake explained.

"I see, well... are you aware of your other alters?" She asked another question.

"Yeah... Steven and Marc, they haven't met me though. The last time I was out... the body was 17." He continued to look around the room, then spotted a mirror.

He looked at the mirror curiously, the body had changed quite a bit since he was last out.

"I can tell you that the body is now 27 years old, so is Marc of course. Steven is 25... How old are you?" Another question.

"...27... I think." Jake answered slowly as he was thinking, "Last time I was out I was the same age as the body so that's what I'm guessin'."

"Ok." Y/n responded simply, "I would offer you some brownies... but Marc burnt them."

That made Jake chuckle a bit, "I'm sorry... that's hilarious."

"Yeah, it's quite funny..." Y/n laughed softly, "He said he wanted to make me brownies but he just charred the shit out of them insead."

"Why are you so nice to me?" Jake asked suspicious.

"What do you mean?" She asked back.

"Aren't I like some rando standing in the middle of your kitchen?" He stared at her.

"I mean... kind of. But you look like my husband, and my boyfriend." Y/n explained, "You also smell like them... almost sound like them, they just have different accents and tones."

Jake still just stared at her... looking into her eyes, trying to read her. He faintly hear Marc and Steven talk about her at times. He also used to see her a lot when Marc and her were dating... she just looked so different. Granted, so did he. 

"You're just as beautiful as when we were teens..." He mumbled.

"You saw me when we were teens?" Y/n asked.

"Well yeah, I mean occasionally you thought I was Marc but yeah. Ya know, I was mad that Marc got to have love when I didn't." Jake explained, "He got to have someone that loved him while I'm just there... holding all of his trauma inside of me. I envied the fact that he got to live a life with someone that he adored while I had to sit there, like an idiot, wishing it were me. That does a lot to a person, ya know."

"I'm sorry... I wish you had told me who you were when we were teens, maybe then we could have gotten to know each other." She said with sincerity.

"Yeah... but we can't change that, can we?" He stepped closer to her. 

He wanted to just hug her... that's what he needed most in the world.

A hug.

"Can I hug you right now?" Jake asked, staring into her eyes.


And they hugged, he needed that. It was almost if his problems went away with that one hug. The one he's been wanting since he was 15. 

The one from the girl he had wanted to get to know.

The one from the person he wanted to have a life with.

Now he got that chance... he could be out now. 

He could love.

He could be loved.

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