Woah - Steven Grant/Marc Spector

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Pairing: Steven Grant / Marc Spector x Reader

Requested by: Lxvenderwrites

Short description: Y/n is a moon goddess to the Greek pantheon and can control the night/moon along with minds, while Steven and Layla are to Harrow's dig site, they spot Y/n staring at the entrance. Of course, they are wary of her at first, but then realise that she is not there to harm them, but is there to harm Harrow and his men. 


"Who is that?" Steven asked Layla, they just walked up to Harrow's dig site and saw a woman staring at the entrance... just standing there, doing nothing. 

"I'm not sure, she could be working with Harrow though, we need to be careful." Layla whispered back.

As they slowly got closer, the woman smirked, "You know I can hear you... right?"

Layla and Steven stopped in their tracks and just looked at each other. The woman slowly turned around... she was slightly hovering in the air.

"Woah..." Steven mumbled.

"Now, what can I help you with?" The woman smiled.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" Layla asked her in a loud, demanding voice.

"I am Y/n L/n, greek goddess of the moon... I am here to stop Arthur Harrow for what he is doing is wrong." The woman... or goddess, announced.

While Layla was still a little wary and unsure, Steven felt like his cheeks were on fire while there were butterflies in his stomach... this was the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on.

"What... you didn't think just Egyptian gods existed, did you?" She asked Steven.

"N-no, well I mean- maybe?" He sounded unsure.

"I can assure you I am just here to stop Harrow from releasing Ammit, then I will be on my way back to Olympia. You don't have to worry about me trying to "take over the earth" and trying to be "all mighty", like... some other gods." Y/n thought back to 2012, "Speaking of Olympia, Zeus wanted me to tell you avatars that you don't have to worry about us possessing you or anything."

"She can sure possess me..." Marc mumbled through one of the mirrors not too far away.

"What was that?" Y/n looked around, "Did one on you say something... or was it that man in the mirror?"

"Shit." Marc said plainly.

"I'll have you mind that just because I can control minds doesn't mean that I am going to possess any humans. You creatures are far too weak to hold that kind of power... no offence." She almost forgot she was talking to a few humans.

"Hey..." Steven slightly mumbled.

"Terribly sorry, but it's true. The egyptian gods even know it is wrong... I don't know why they still do it. You humans have delicate minds... like you and that man in the mirror," Y/n motioned to Steven and Marc, "Your minds are so fragile that even the slightest amount of pressure can shatter them. But don't worry, all the other pantheons have rules against having humans as avatars."

"That's... reassuring." Layla mumbled.

"Good. Now, are you three coming into the tomb with me... or am I going alone?"

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