You Are Our Only Hope - Steven Grant/Marc Spector/Jake Lockley

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Pairing: Steven / Marc / Jake x Reader (I plan for this to have multiple parts btw)

Requested by: 4ftern00n (kind of, i basically took one idea)

Description: Y/n is the avatar of Artemis and has been for 8 years now. She has grown a good connection with the goddess and they have a good relationship, which is... odd to say the least for an avatar and their god. Since Y/n's time being an avatar, she's gained some of the same mindsets, personality traits, and skill sets as Artemis that seem to come in handy quite a bit. Artemis had asked Y/n to go to London, apparently there was another avatar there, one to an Egyptian god, and they needed help. Steven Grant and Marc Spector seem to have things under control for now... but what if a third, more violent alter decided to show up after Y/n had finally found them?


"So where did you say this guy was?" Y/n whispered to Artemis, the goddess she was serving, as she was drinking a cup of coffee outside of a small cafe in London.

"He works at that museum over there," Artemis motioned to the big building across the street, "supposedly in the gift shop."

"Alright then..." She put down her cup and stood up, putting her hood on and walking across the street, through the traffic.

Y/n walked up the steps and into the museum, Artemis floating right behind her.

"Ah, I see him... he's right behind the cashier stand in the gift shop." The goddess explained to her avatar.

"What do you want me to do with him again? Just ask him if we could talk real quick?" Y/n asked, not quite sure what Artemis wanted with the man.

"He should be able to see me." She explained plainly.

"What? How?" Y/n asked more questions.

"He's the avatar of Khonsu, that Egyptian moon god I told you about a while ago." Artemis told the woman.

"Oh, well then... let's try not to freak him out too much." She whispered, "No one else is in the gift shop right now, seems like a good time to talk..."

Y/n and Artemis traveled farther into the museum, entering the gift shop now.

Steven looked up and noticed Artemis, "What on earth..."

"Steven Grant." Y/n stated, "We need to talk."


"Wait... you've been an avatar for Artemis for 8 years?" Steven asked with wide eyes.

Y/n and Steven decided to go to his flat to talk about things... after Khonsu and Artemis convinced you both that it would keep the conversation out of the reach of preying ears.

"Yup, Artemis has been good to me though. She's guided me though some of my toughest times in life..." She explained to the man sitting across from her.

"I couldn't imagine being Khonsu's avatar for 8 years... that would seem like hell to me." Steven thought aloud.

"Well, it's not all bad..." Y/n started but saw Steven beginning to dissociate, "Steven? You alright?"

"Who are you?" A rougher voice came out.

There was a different look to Steven's eyes now, the avatar sitting across from him could tell something was off.

"Steve?" She asked carefully.

"This is not Steven Grant, my avatar." Artemis explained to Y/n.

"Ok... who the fuck are you?" He asked looking up at Artemis.

"I am Artemis of the Greek pantheon, this is my avatar Y/n L/n... Don't worry Marc Spector, Y/n and Steven were just talking things through. It's actually a good thing you are fronting, the three of us need to talk." Artemis told the man known as Marc.

"You are alright here, no one's going to hurt you Marc." Y/n said truthfully with a soft smile, "But... we need your help."

"With what?" Marc asked confused.

"I have heard about your other alter, Jake Lockley is what I believe his name is.... Anyway, he has killed Arthur Harrow and Ammit, correct?" Y/n asked sternly.

"Uh... that's what he told me." The man responded.

"Good, he will come in handy with our little problem." Artemis told her avatar.

"What problem?" Marc asked, still lost.

"Zeus' avatar got a little power hungry... that's an understatement, he wants to kill all the other avatars so he can gain the most power possible and potentially rule the world." Y/n explained looking the man dead in the eye.

"Yeah no. We are not getting wrapped up in another god problem again. Done it once and we almost died." Marc stood up.

Y/n sighed, also standing up, "If you want to live you will help us."

"Absolutely not. Steven, Jake, and I are perfectly content here. We aren't doing that." He raised his voice.

"We need you though! If you don't help all of the avatars, including us, will die. He will take our power and all of humanity will be doomed." Y/n yelled at the man.

"I suggest you leave before Jake gets mad." Marc said sternly.

"You are our only hope."

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