She Never Loved Me - Marc Spector

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Pairing: Marc Spector x Reader

Requested by: Loki5w1fe

Short description: While watching Tomb Buster, Marc's favorite movie, he got flashbacks to when his mother abused him. He becomes even more distraught when he didn't know why it happened so Y/n comfort and assures him about it. 


Y/n and Marc were cuddled up on the couch watching Tomb Buster, Marc's favorite movie, in their shared apartment.

"Can you hear that Dr. Grant?..." The faint sound of the film echoed throughout the room.

"This is my favorite part." Marc mumbled, hugging his wife tighter.

"I know, you've told me multiple times." Y/n softly laughed.

"Mm... I know, just wanted to tell you again to make sure..." Marc smiled against Y/n's skin.

"...Sounds to me like danger..." The film continued.

Suddenly, Marc stopped smiling and moving... His eyes were almost blank but held sorrowful emotions in them.

"Baby?" Y/n asked confused as she looked at her lover, "You alright?"


"Marc?" She asked again, trying to get him to snap out of the blank stare.

Again, he said nothing.

Tears starting forming in his eyes the longer he zoned out... it was happening again.

"Oh baby... c'mere." She hugged him as she realized what was going on.

"She never loved me..." Marc cried into his partners shoulder, "She hated me... she hates me."

"Hey... no, don't say that." Y/n made him look at her, "You were just a child, she had no right to blame you... you are loved, I love you."

"I can't... why did she do that? Why did she hate me so much?" He cried harder as Y/n went to hug him again.

"Baby... it's ok, everything is alright now." Y/n reassured him, "You will never have to go through that again. I promise to you, she will never touch you again... at least not while I'm here."

Marc laughed lighting, still crying, but it made Y/n happier that she could cheer him up a bit.

"Remember... I love you more than anything, I will always be here for you no matter what, and you have every right to feel this way."

They smiled at each other then shared a kiss. 

Y/n wiped the tears from his cheeks, still smiling at him, "I'm so proud of you, ya know?"

"For what?" Marc asked, a few stray tears still slipping from his eyes.

"For being the bravest person I know, thank you for letting me love you."

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